It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Dakota County jail

May 17th 2022 SGT. GILES: he didn't have a way of speaking to me privately about the complaints that I submitted about the strip searches that were conducted properly and they were violation of our civil rights and human rights. He talked to me in the dayroom of the unit and the officer could hear everything. He had a lot of excuses. He claims that it is appart of protocal and that they do it all the time. I talked to inmates that had been there for 11 months they never once were subjected to a strip search. During the end of the conversation we discussed that people need to be charged within 48 hours or all charges or potential charges would be dropped. I felt that I hadn't been charged with anything at all I was mistaken and it was the pre-hearing I went to on May 22nd. I had a social worker Jordan May try to rewrite my charges and many others were doing that like when I was on the phone with Dan Nelson. They were all confused and it was clear they were trying to have me charged with auto theft. May 19th 2022 I called adult protective services and the Veterans administration when I was able to get someone on the phone I announce my rights as a veteran were being violated. I have the right to be treated by the V.A. . Of course the person I was talking to doesn't work for the V.A. at all it was one of the officers. I felt that rule 20.01 assessment should be conducted by a VA threapist however I was unable to do the research to see if that is even fesible at all. When they perscribed me medication that most certainly should be done by the VA and not some nurse practictioner calling herself a doctor unlawfully. June 5th 1415 hours cell 8218 moved downstairs with Kelly when Notch got a call for a code and she secured Kelly's door only-she didn't go thru the unit and secure all the doors like all other officers that run the unit checking each and every door. The outside door was wide open and there were two cells that were left wide open. This happens a lot and it is always Carley Notch. There has never been displine. I saw corporal displine her once concerning a complaint I had written. No write ups they call this a security breach it is very serious I was left in the dayroom during one code and had no idea why I was the only one left out. June 5th Officer Anderson said that Notch told her I am no longer a inmate worker she is playing a lot of games after that write up when I did nothing wrong. It was clear Chris was in her head as she stood at the bottom of the steps "Do you have a problem?" Officers did another inspection and they came in my cell taking my laundry and laundry bag they are very hyper to remove me from the inmate workers program. They always announce which inmates need to suffer, they have targets that they deny all the simple things. They did this in the Bexar County Jail Stephanie Thomas was one of many the inmates that was made to suffer more than all the rest. I was sending her packages while she was in the jail they got upset yelling she is not suppose to have anything she needs to suffer. Also on June 5th Officer Anderson kept saying SGT. Rory said that you are not inmate worker. I kept saying who is that? I made her spell it and it was Ruark not Rory this is a significate mistake she was announcing loudly who was manipulating SGT Ruark and she was announcing loudly who was so hyper to have me removed from the inmate workers program just because he didn't want me to have coffee. I was always sleeping always down the coffee was a blessing and Rory, Michell, Andre, Christopher Dech and others didn't want me to have any blessings.

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