It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

Silver pickup truck

the idiot asapd police officer driving the silver pickup truck chasing me all over Lakeville yesterday he's staying at the Holiday Inn Express . that particular police officer is the one that gave Lady Gaga a tour around the city of San Antonio while I was homeless on the streets she came to San Antonio and she wanted to walk past me over and over again believing that it would create an emotional breakdown just to see her disgusting ass. well it's not going to create an emotional breakdown it's going to create anger and rage because she is a sick disgusting excuse for life. that stupid police officer was falling all over himself for her and he still it he's chasing me down terrorizing me torturing me as a favor to Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga then decided to contact all of my children using her Fame and her platform to manipulate my children into hating me and asking them to participate in the terrorizing of their mother. during a Skype video Lady Gaga was telling my children that I was a prostitute a drug addict and a criminal she was telling them that I chose all these things over them she was telling them that their mother hates them because Lady Gaga is truly that sick none of that is true I have been fighting with my very soul fighting with my life to be reunited with my children and Lady Gaga has made sure that it would never happen. Lady Gaga is so sick she used to come to the San Antonio Sheridan downtown and she had a bunch of spies and soldiers down there she claims that she paid for all of it but I promise you it was our tax dollars that paid for it. Lady Gaga then collected all of my family and friends from Michigan and she would bring them into San Antonio most especially my sister-in-law Jackie Nearing and she would bring them to the hotel once again she claimed that she was paying for it but she wasn't it was our tax dollars it was paying for it she has been continuously running her mouth today she has been continuously running her mouth for years attacking me this woman is so hideous

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