It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hertz rental at Union Depot

I went to Hertz rental at Union Depot and tried to rent a vehicle first of all for 3 days it's 317 which seems about the right price. what didn't come up on the computer screen that he showed me was a $200 deposit hold on my account which wouldn't be returned for another 7 days after I return the vehicle if this was a valid charge it would have showed up on the screen it would have showed up on a printer which it did not. so that cat and her man are still playing the same stupid game so trying to drain my bank account and overcharging me everywhere I go. and they're stupid enough to think that they're getting away with it they leave a paper trail everywhere they go the money's coming out of my account but yeah it doesn't show up in a printed receipt why it's coming out of the account causing problems for every company that I visit causing major lawsuits. but the cat is sloppy clumsy and stupid full of herself. when I offered up the debit card he told me that he can only accept credit cards and it has to have your name on it this is the same stupid excuse that Rory Vance used in San Antonio Texas making the employees at every hotel tell me that they can't take my debit card because it doesn't have my name on it and this was after I stayed at the garden inn which is a four star hotel that took my debit card even though it didn't have my name on it. so their excuses flimsy stupid recluse idiotic more on it. the morons are doing it once again nobody will accept my debit card because it doesn't have my name on it but the debit card I have with my name on it is in their possession when I was arrested I told or August 8th 2021 ram Martinez trespassed on my apartment complex he was in the parking garage and he was coming up to my apartment to grab me he's a plain clothes officer who never identified himself as an officer he went into my vehicle and started grabbing on to me his partner reached in grabbed on to my hand that had the keys in my hand he squeezed the key so hard he broke the skin and he broke the keychain. ran Martinez was grabbing all my bags and my purse throwing it on the ground as he grabbed me to pull me out of the vehicle. never once did these individuals identify themselves as sapd officers as they were trespassing and assaulting me for warrants that weren't legal officer Christopher deck Roy Vance and Thomas worm pulled out of their asses. they took my purse that had all of my IDs in it my birth certificate and social security cards. they had my debit cards for three different banks that had my name on it. then their girlfriends went and got identifications with their pictures in my name they used all the money in my account they used all the cash in my purse. they used all the makeup too because they are that vein they are that shallow. the other day I was announcing how I had the Michigan driver's license in the Texas driver's license in the purse immediately Joaquin Castro and officer dumbass deck decided that I could be charged with the crime for having two driver's license they pulled those licenses out of my purse and started to examine them showing it to the entire world that they are in possession of all of my identification two iPhones and seven MetroPCS phones which are all evidence. you want to talk about recluse and sloppy and stupid just take a good look at that white dog Christopher deck and is ugly stupid mouth that never stops running. take a look at Jenna the cat and that boyfriend stupid as the day is long bullies who think they can talk over people and demand what they do and decide whether or not somebody understands the concept and the gravity of the crimes they have committed oh I understand how serious the crimes are that you have committed and I understand that you are reckless and possession of everything you stole from me. after their girlfriends stole my identity one of them claiming to be a supervisor of the San Antonio Police department Andrea they went to Victoria Texas and rented a vehicle from Enterprise rental and started driving around as if they were me while I laid in jail. then they started going on a shopping spree with my bank account. that's pretty reckless sloppy and stupid too stupid to know that they're being watched. so when I went to Chase Bank to get the debit card that was never given to me I was told that they couldn't send it to the branch and this is the third time I was told that and it's a lie. Thomas worm is the one that manipulated that account and had it opened he's the one that made sure I never got a debit card that had my name on it. and yesterday when I was at the Chase bank once again they refused to have a debit card sent to the branch location or to a post office box or a post office. somebody was manipulating the banker I was talking to telling him to make sure that I didn't get it debit card make any excuse necessary. I'm so sorry about the closure of Chase Bank but you can go right to Rory Vance Thomas worm and Christopher deck then go talk to that stupid cat Jenna.

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