It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

Officer Nick Dozer

Officer Nick Dozer is an sapd police officer who likes to impersonate an agent he walks around claiming to be a federal agent and he claims to be a Washington DC investigator the man is a complete psycho he's constantly running his mouth saying the stupidest crap that you could ever imagine . in 2014 when I went back to San Antonio Texas to fight for my children in a court of law my ex-husband and every member of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign we're chasing me down in terrorizing me I called the cops to get a police report because Tamara Morrissey and his cousin Sean Morrissey kept entering the parking lot of the Salvation Army the employees got pictures of them and the employees called the cops told me that I had to get a police report so they can take care of the problem. Nick Dozer was the one that showed up he was wearing a name tag that said d u l c e it is common practice for all of these police officers to put on fake names when they have to come face to face with me. Nick was not only hitting on me but he was also refusing to write a police report. he told me they would just go away on his own and I didn't need a police report he was asking me personal questions before he decided he was going to hit on me and ask me out on a date. when he decided I was too old for him he decided to attack me and that includes running a stupid mouth right now having me arrested and having my property taken from me and when I walked out of the Walmart the alarm went off and he said he was going to have me arrested for shoplifting I don't have any product on me the cops are going to show up because you called them but I don't have any Walmart product on my person I didn't take anything that's how stupid Nick those are is Nick Dozer is the moron that you hear fake crying and kicking around and saying that's what my wife does when she doesn't get her own way she throws a little hissy fit he's the one doing that he's a moron he thinks that if he's fake crying and telling me that others are crying because I called them out for their crimes then it'll make me stop doing what I'm doing he is extremely stupid when I was in Marquette Michigan this man followed me all the way there and he was working with an FBI agent I call possum everybody calls her possum it has something to do with how gnarly she looks. they walked past me when I was stranded in the parking lot of a gas station after they went in and made a purchase because they've never starved to death they've never gone up without money because our tax dollars make sure that they always have money. these two morons had me follow them through the University of Michigan they thought that I would take a video of them and it inadvertently gets a pictures and video of all the license plates that were in the parking lot of course I wasn't about to do any such thing I'm not going to do favors for these morons that starve me I'm not going to do your job for you if you're starving me to death and taking my bank account that's how hideously stupid Nick Dozer is. he's running his stupid mouth right now he never shut his dumb mouth. he seems to think he can impersonate other officers and blame them for his hideous stupid mouth. they never gave my bank account back to me when I was in Michigan and when I got to Minnesota they had me arrested and put in the jail and Nick Dozer and his pal Sergeant Jalen snedeker are announcing that I'm going back to jail right now. Nick Dozer was trying to implicate every person that was working at or attending school at the University of Michigan he wanted all their license plates so he could call them out for crimes they haven't committed so he could call them spies he was using me as a tool against his enemy however he refused to feed me and he was stupid enough to think that I was going to comply with his request or his demands I'm not complying with you I'm not doing favors for you and you better learn to shut your stupid mouth tall lanky idiot that wears giant glasses to cover his entire face which is a good idea because it's an ugly face

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