It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

Christopher Dech impersonator

this is yet another officer Christopher deck impersonator that came to Minnesota chasing me down while I was homeless in the City of Minneapolis a very scary place this creepy SOB kept walking past me over and over again he knew that I had not eaten in 2 weeks look at how he holds a grocery bag flaunting in my face that he can eat whatever he wants whenever he wants. he instructed all of the criminals that he brought here to do the exact same thing to me and they actually complied with the demand the order and they would go to the grocery store buying groceries in front of me walking past me with the groceries refusing to offer me any food refusing to offer me any money. as this man continuously walk past me I was calling him a coward because he wouldn't come and sit down with me and compromise he'd rather burn for all of his crimes instead of compromising with me he would rather attempt Greg to starve me to death with his pal Greg Marshall. he is constantly using the advice of Greg Marshall a man that is the stupidest man you ever want to meet a man who has to fake a master's degree because he's too lazy to earn a real masters degree. the man so stupid he's accessing my account online and being obvious about it. this creepy bald man impersonating of police officer was constantly high-fiving Greg Marshall when he had ideas of how to torture me he claims that he's not a coward because he walks past me all the time he tries to change his appearance but is too stupid to wear different shoes or clothing. obviously everybody that's on the road with this thing recognized the clothing and the shoes that he's wearing. they called it those hideous shoes and he claimed they were his favorite shoes thank goodness you're so weak and cowardly that you can't wear another pair of shoes otherwise I wouldn't have known it was you walking past me good luck in prison those are some hideous shoes in prison

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