It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

In my bank account Micheal phony cop

somebody restored my bank account and they told me to go use the debit card that it would work and I could pay my bill at motel 6 and I could finally eat after 3 days if not eating when I came to Walmart somebody followed me in a silver pickup truck that ugly guy named Michael who impersonates police officers officer Christopher deck and possibly Rory Vance as long as they're in the vicinity and they're nearby they access the network of Walmart and they access the registers and everything I'm trying to do now obviously when I run the debit card they are linked to the debit card and the account numbers then they're able to access the Walmart Network and stop the card from working every time I try to use it there's a different error code. the error codes don't make any sense they say things like this card not accepted the next time I try to use it it says card deactivated call bank then another time when I use it it says insufficient funds which isn't true. so somebody restored the bank account so that I can pay my bill at motel 6 and I was able to eat and make my way out of Minnesota this creepy SOB with a bald head named Michael stop the card from working and told me that I'm going back to the streets I'm sleeping on a slab of cement he keeps saying that I'm going to the salvation army but here in Minnesota while I was homeless on the streets for 5 weeks the salvation army refused me access to their services they told me I couldn't have their services unless I had phone service in less than a week I won't have any phone service at all. and obviously I wouldn't want to go to the salvation army because these dirty texts police officers brought their criminals to Minnesota and made them employees of the salvation army with that same stupid excuse that they're conducting an investigation and then I'm a threat to national security lies every time the city officials find out how severely they were lied to they become angry they try to take action against these idiots and their efforts are sorted by a certain GOP member who has a very high ranking she wants me to suffer and starve to death that high-ranking GOP member wants me to die so that she can take my job taking my job means that you're going to suffer as much as I have and at this point I say have it and good luck with the rape

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