It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Greg Marshall and aligned mortgage

this has been listed for more than 2 years Greg Marshall is listing himself as an employee of aligned mortgage now in essence in in a way it's true because Greg brockhouse has an entire team of not so nice individuals who have been helping to attack me of course they like to play me for a fool claiming they are helping me apparently they're helping me to starve to death apparently they're helping me to be sexually assaulted that's a lot of help thanks for the help. this was first found by an attorney that I was receiving a free consultation from and I was wondering what's going on I was able to figure it out by listening and watching. Greg Marshall has aligned himself with four possibly more different teams and Clans. Joaquin Castro and those others that he initially started working with are completely unaware of this this is detrimental to the survival of looking Castro because these individuals don't like looking Castro and they want to watch him fry as much as I do. so having Greg Marshall sharing secrets with this particular team means that Joaquin Castro is done it's over for him. there's a lot of other individuals who will fry because of this Greg Marshall has been aligned with the CIA twits since he was 18 years old maybe before that but I can trace it back to 18. they promised him he could beat spotlight if they did if he did their evil bidding for them that's when he started faking a master's degree got his self a job at TRW claims that he was working in Corporate America because he was working in the office of the plant of the factory. he said his goal was to become plant manager. and that's exactly what the CIA wanted while he was there he was putting his hands on top secret files and giving those top secret files to his Pals with the CIA. for me this didn't make any sense because those top secret files that I'm referring to the CIA owns those they have a contract with TRW and they work with this company because they are an international company. so that way their agents can go aboard abroad I mean and they can work as an employee of TRW and no eyebrows are raised and nobody realizes their spies. so if they needed to collect some files from TRW which are their files I don't understand why they had to use Greg Marshall to do it so I have a lot of gases surrounding this and I'm going to go ahead and put my theories out there since we're on the subject some of these individuals go abroad and they commit very serious crimes like murder if it's in the files of TRW that they were working and they were in that country when the murder took place well then that's not good for them is it and they have to collect those top secret files and get rid of them. I know a particular dog and a sovereign who work together and they commit a lot of different murders and those are two examples of individuals who would have to get some pop secret files to remove any evidence that they were in another country when a murder took place. the other thing that was happening while Greg Marshall was working at TRW is embezzlement of money and it was a lot of money . he was embezzling a lot of money and pocketing it of course he doesn't know how to budget money does not have save money so there wasn't really any evidence that he had more money than his salary. he also took four computers from TRW when they were being investigated by the FBI he locked him in a closet and left him there when I took out one of them and I wanted to use it he protested said it wasn't going to work guess what it worked and I used it. apparently he's not very good at frying a computer and making sure that everything is erased that's why he has to take the entire computer and lock it in a closet it's the only way to get rid of the evidence. so that's another way to get the top secret files and make sure they disappear and they're gone and these are the evil things that he was doing for the CIA now now that he's working with the Greg Brock House team all of that that he did for the CIA becomes privy to them and it becomes damaging to them that CIA champion. do you see the consequences of Greg Marshall and his recluse Behavior becoming a member of four different plans and working with so many different teams now of course they're lying to him and saying because he's my ex-husband because he has my children he becomes an asset he's an asset for a lot of reasons and everything that's in his head they want it nobody wants to deal with Craig Marshall nobody wants to spend any time with Greg Marshall but that information that's in his head they want it and they need it

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