It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

Christopher Wray attacking me

the moment that Christopher Ray took over the FBI he was attacking me of course the truth of the matter is that man was attacking me long before that. everybody pay attention to how his name was put on the list of new candidates to become at the eye director a man who had never been a FBI agent who never received any training as a FBI agent. he was playing all kinds of games rerouting my calls sending me stupid emails that don't make any sense his stupid agents were chasing me around they took money out of evidence lock up put it in my path it was counterfeit money. he instructed them to do it. then they waited for me to spend the counterfeit money so they could arrest me and put me in prison of course I didn't spend it. it was agent Heather who's from Moscow that was chasing me around in her little red SUV truck waiting for me to spend it she was the one that took it out of the evidence lock up and she was going to arrest me for using it she was the one that told me that it was a present and they were trying to help me. there was a lot of different torture like he was manipulating the planes air traffic control to fly over my head over and over again because he was Daft enough to think that that would create an emotional breakdown well it didn't work. I was pretty upset when Air Force One Flew Over My Head that was devastating for me because not only was my own country attacking me my country that I was trying to save but President Bush's dead body was on the plane when it did it. Christopher raised very sick man. because I had a bit of a meltdown and I was crying and I was so upset that my own country was attacking me and they wouldn't help me he thought that if he continued to notice how Christopher Ray turned his back on President Trump and he stabbed him in the back that's because president Trump was going to pull me to safety and the moment that he announced in private that he was going to pull me to safety Christopher Ray attacked even harder . when things weren't going his way in October of 2018 Christopher Ray announced that I was getting a bullet that man isn't trained to fire a firearm and he really thinks he's more than what he really is I continuously asked him how I was getting that bullet was it going to come in a box where you going to send it in the mail were you going to put it in my hand gift wrapped maybe you would put the bullet in my hand because you certainly don't know how to use a bullet the proper way you're going to threaten me that I'm going to eat a bullet what kind of a FBI director does that you're an idiot and I can't stand you

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