It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022


dirty San Antonio police officers pull people into this conspiracy and instruct them to try to develop an intimate relationship with me. many of them are released from the Bexar County jail with the instruction to find me attach themselves to me and develop an intimate relationship. homeless they're objective was with this is to try to make me fall in love and then have them drop me on my butt and they think that will create Suicidal Tendencies and emotional breakdowns obviously I don't want anything to do with any of them there are other objective is to get videos of me performing intimate acts get pictures of me indisposed . when they're unable to obtain these pictures or videos they go online and they find videos of other women in the act of intimate performance. they cut and copy my pay my face into these videos and then they send it out to all of the other officers and the criminals that are helping them to attack me they claim that it's me performing these acts when of course it is not. this used to be a very concerning thing for me they did the exact same thing to Paris Hilton and it was dirty cops and dirty agents that did it. and they were going to do the same thing to me thank goodness they picked a bunch of women that have tattoos on their body and women's women that don't look anything like me I don't have any tattoos Joaquin Castro believes that because he has a private Network they can go ahead and use his Facebook to do whatever they want and send whatever pictures and videos they want to send and nobody will know and nobody can access it because it's a private Network well he's not a very smart man because he's been attacking me for years and committing very serious crimes not only against me but all of humanity. the investigators have access to network they have seen the smuggling that he's guilty of they have seen all of his attacks on me and the messages that he sends out to all of those attackers telling them exactly where I am in the city telling them that they have to drive past me over and over again Julian Castro and his wife Erica decided to pull in all of the teachers from Texas asking them to help attack me driving past me over and over again flaunting in my face that I have no food buying food for other homeless people in front of me to taunt me with it. some of those teachers didn't agree with the things that they were asked to do so they contacted the authorities. when they contacted the authorities they were asked to cooperate with an investigation to continue to receive the messages from Julian and Erica Castro and continue to follow through with the things they were asking to do however every time they did this they would report to the authorities who are investigating the Castro brothers and Senator Ted Cruz. these are what I called double minions and the Castro brothers are too stupid to know they exist. and now that these idiots these dirty cops and dirty politicians know that I'm at the Walmart they are currently sending their minions here to walk past me over and over again trying to flush me out into the pouring and freezing rain so that I can suffer. working Castro is the most evil stupid man you ever want to meet he increases his vocabulary to the point of making you believe that he is a scholar but trust me he has no sense about it any most certainly doesn't know the law he thinks he can bend and wield the law to attack someone like me he brought his people here to Minnesota and he put them in the Dakota County Jail those people then started to teach all of the inmates that being homeless is against the law and you are guilty of breaking the law if you are homeless. that's not actually a law in Minnesota they don't actually attack them homeless the way that the Texas police officers attacks the homeless. on a big screen in the Dakota County Jail they were instructing all of the inmates that they will be charged with loitering they will be charged with trespassing they will be charged with all kinds of different crimes that are actually crimes here in Minnesota they told them that they would be charged with sleeping in public if they're homeless and sleeping in public Minnesota doesn't do that to their homeless that's what Texas does we can cash your thinks that he can bring all of his laws that violate our constitution here to Minnesota and he can enforce them here in Minnesota when there is no penal code to support the ugly things that he's saying

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