It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

Eagan Minnesota Police Department

Eagan Minnesota Police Department was manipulated by Officer Christopher deck and some guy named Michael. that was the arresting officer that arrested me for a crime that I did not commit. the arresting officer was officer Ryan winegardner there was no warrant for my arrest he accepted a phone call from a spy sapd police officer named Dan Nelson he was also colluding with and being manipulated by sapd Officer Timothy Wilson I'm starting to believe some of these individuals aren't actually officers and they are impersonating officers when I look online for information about Timothy Wilson he's a CPA that works for a law firm and accounting Law Firm I guess or he's making up fake websites and fake organizations which all of these dirty police officers do that's why I take screenshots of everything I get from my Google because it's these dirty police officers that are making it up I was arrested and charged with receiving a stolen property from an Enterprise Rental in Little Rock they claim that the vehicle that I rented was stolen from Florida and they claim Enterprise Rental never owned the vehicle. because of the dirty Texas police officers that chase me all the way to Minnesota now Enterprise Rental has a huge lawsuit against the state of Minnesota because they are being implicated in crimes they never committed. I look forward to Enterprise Rental suing officer Ryan weingartner took my personal property and put it in the property room of Eagan Minnesota he told me it would be waiting for me when I was released on July 21st I went to collect my property they weren't open I returned the following day July 22nd and the police officers refused to give me my property there was a police officer with long blonde hair that asked me if I had any money ask me if I could pay for the taxi I asked them to call then she made phone calls to an officer Christopher deck and some guy named Michael. when those individuals found out that I had money they immediately took control of my bank account taking all of my money away from me then I was homeless on the streets of Minnesota I didn't eat for more than 15 days as all of these dirty police officers chase me around the streets of Minnesota torturing me terrorizing me I have pictures I have videos I have license plates. I got a letter from the Eagan Police Department that was written by Andrea the sapd supervisor that chase me across the country who isn't really a cop and shouldn't be calling herself a cop she also shouldn't be writing official documents impersonating the Eagan Police Department. I am still constantly trying to maintain control of my bank account I went to the Eagan Police Department to get a police report about an officer Christopher deck and a spy named Rory Vance who impersonates a police officer who took my bank account . while I was trying to get this police report written and an investigation conducted officer Christopher deck manipulated the police officer I was talking to and told him I was guilty of harassment. there's no way that I was harassing officer Christopher deck he supposed to be in the state of Texas being a police officer or was he impersonating a police officer and the stupid City officials of San Antonio allowed him to do this what is the answer to this question? the officer rather than writing the police report I asked him to write continuously asked me how I was associated with officer Christopher deck of San Antonio I explained to him that I was in the US Army with that man then he became a police officer he has continuously manipulated everything in my life causing chaos causing bank fraud causing homelessness allowing my children to be kidnapped and the kidnapper got away with their crimes. this man has been covering up the crimes of my ex-husband Greg Marshall for two decades. that police officer that was supposed to be writing a police report about bank fraud and identity theft never even wrote the police report at all he made a hideously stupid statement that in his 13 years of being in law enforcement he never saw a case like mine I picked up the picture of Officer Christopher deck and asked him why it is that he never saw somebody access somebody's account and take all of their money? how can that be that you've never seen this happen when it happens on a daily basis what a stupid statement. the same statement was made to me by FBI agent in Waco Texas so I wonder who is manipulating this officer? I never got any investigation into the bank fraud two more police officers came out to the Eagan Police Department Lobby one of them called himself Sergeant Matt Ondrey. Sergeant Matt is the one that put his name on my illegal Discovery and court documents claiming that it was legit claiming that the charges were legal how hideous this man is there was nothing legal about those charges there was nothing legal about the court documents and there was nothing legal about keeping me in jail for 4 months I never got a speedy trial never got a fair trial never got any trial at all. while I was in that Dakota County Jail I was assaulted by those officers one of them cornered me and myself and told me that he is authorized to do a body cavity search on anybody he dreams necessary his name is Sergeant Jalen snedeker. while I was in that jail there was a officer Zander Haley and that weird psycho came running up to my cell looking through the open window as I was trying to disrobe and get on a commode as he was watching me do it looking at my naked body he said can I help you are you all right. apparently he was going to help me urinate apparently he was going to find himself guilty of sexual harassment of course I never got Justice for this because Sergeant Giles was the PIRA officer in charge of sexual harassment complaints and that man is hideous. apparently he was never schooled in sexual harassment and what things are defined as sexual harassment because he just missed everything told me I was wrong I'm not wrong he's going to prison when I was in the Eagan Police Department they stopped the process completely of having the police report written and Sergeant Matt told me that he would help me get into a homeless shelter but he needed a Social Services employee why the heck do you need a social worker to get me in a shelter how stupid are you you're a useless piece of crap you're a waste of taxpayers dollars. he was trying to insinuate that I was insane and he was trying to get me locked into a psychiatric facility he was trying to get an emergency detention as he manipulated the system and he was going to manipulate a social worker into believing that I needed to be locked up they had already tried to get a civil commitment and it was dismissed from a court of law and the idiots don't know what Double Jeopardy is if these morons that are working as police officers don't understand the wall law and they don't understand what civil rights are then obviously they shouldn't be working as police officers and they should be recognized as foreign agents they should be tried for treason and Espionage and given the death penalty most especially Sergeant Matt more than 2 months later the man called me and had a nasty conversation with me telling me over and over again we've had this conversation before we destroyed your property your property just didn't exist well it's not lawful for you to destroy my property and during a recorded phone call I am so happy that you got stupid enough to tell me that you destroyed my property I had never had any conversation with you about it and you shouldn't let officer or Senator Ted Cruz make phone calls for you pretending to be you you shouldn't let that happen you're not an officer of the law you're a waste of life

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