It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 24, 2022

Lady Gaga the psycho cold-blooded killer

Lady Gaga is telling the entire world that she is an advocate for rape victims she's lying to the entire world and I'm going to make sure everybody knows what a liar she is because she went through the sex registry to find every sex offender that is registered and ask them to help attack me. she has seen the sexual assault that I've been subjected to and she is supportive of it telling people to continue to do it. this is a rapist herself and she Advocates rape she doesn't support rape victims she's a liar during the pandemic when people would go to the hospital they would be put on a ventilator it was the ventilators that were killing them not covid-19 Lady Gaga knew about this and was advocating for all of the medical professional Killers because that's her people. Lady Gaga was helping with all those Michigan spies that came to Minnesota and had me arrested and put in the Dakota County Jail as I was standing in a court of law listening to Thomas dunwald threaten me I suddenly experienced extreme Deja Vu as if I had been there before and all of those events had already taken place. suddenly judge Dana Edwards demeanor changed her vocabulary changed and she was questioning the prosecuting attorney telling him that he had to identify the person with the initials TN she announced that it was incomprehensible unenforceable because he wouldn't identify the man that I supposedly had to keep my distance from supposedly there was going to be a court order ordering me to stay away from this man a man I don't know a man I never went near a man that chased me all the way from Michigan to Minnesota a man who was attacking me in a court of law they were claiming that he was a victim. I have a picture of him Batman's name is Terrell and he lives in Novi on 8 Mile after the body language and demeanor and vocabulary of Judge Dana Edwards changed she put me in the jail and did not dismiss the case at all then she listened to Thomas dunwald say I need to order a rule 20 or a rule 21 or whatever it's called the man was ordering a rule 20.01 and he didn't even know what it was called the judge had to correct him. what a good lawyer he doesn't know the law and he doesn't know where to rule 20.01 is called but he's going to order one the man who's incompetent himself so after Dana Edwards was manipulated maybe she received a phone call from Lady Gaga maybe it was something else you should look at. she put me in jail and I never received a fair trial I never received a speedy trial and never received any trial at all and Gaga's excuse was you didn't have anywhere else to go you would have been on the streets I would only be on the streets because Lady Gaga took my bank account I'm only on the streets because Lady Gaga forces me to the streets I'm only on the streets because Lady Gaga is a sociopath that used to be a man. I only experienced rape because Lady Gaga tells her people to do it. that song Rain On Me she's taunting me she's teasing me because that freezing cold rain is raining on me every time I am on the streets homeless unable to get food unable to find shelter and stop me if you've heard this before Lady Gaga and Kamala Harris are like best friends they are such good friends Lady Gaga is able to manipulate all of GOP all of Senate and Congress she's able to manipulate every police department and our intelligence agencies Christopher Ray Wray is one of her puppets

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