It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Senator Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruise his pal Thomas dunwald and Scott Baker the disgusting bald piece of s*** just got done threatening me as I am experiencing abdominal pain. Scott Baker came to a court of law said that he took over the case for Thomas dunwald stood in front of a judge and said that he was going to be my defense attorney the man is sending me nasty emails making stupid phone calls lying to me saying that he is the chief attorney in the public defender's office and I don't think he is he just got done chasing me down he's at the Motel 6 where I'm staying this is not what a defense attorney is supposed to do and I don't need to be listening to Thomas dunwald's nasty mouth telling me that I threatened him I didn't threaten him what is he talking about that man's insane he's delusional every time I try to talk to that man he's interrupting me and stopping me from speaking he won't let anybody talk he's telling me that I have to contact the Attorney General because apparently he talked to the attorney general into doing favors for him he talked to the attorney general into helping to attack me and apparently the attorney in general is going to make a dumb statement that I'm insane and I need to be locked in a psychiatric facility I certainly hope the Attorney General isn't about to do all the things that Thomas dunwald claims he's going to do this is an election year be very careful

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