It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Nasty Dr Michael Thompson

first of all officer Christopher deck instructed me to send him more text messages and that stupid moron said that he could get me on harassment I am merely trying to communicate with an idiot calling himself a doctor on a fake fraudulent court order I'm trying to inform him that I did two rule 20.0 ones already and they were both dismissed from a court of law. trying to make me do another rule 20.01 is called much more than double jeopardy this mother f****** idiot keeps calling himself a doctor and thinking he's not going to get any any trouble for it at all officer Christopher Jack is the stupidest bald idiot That Ever Walked the face of the Earth. there is protesting happening right now trying to defund the police departments the police officer that I finally was able to talk to isn't even going to write a police report he's asking me why I'm communicating with him and I had to talk him into an informational report and he's still not going to write an information report he's not going to write any records about me calling 911 I told him Scott Baker was chasing me down and he was threatening me verbally and physically he was accusing me of committing crimes that I didn't commit a burgundy red vehicle I'll pickup truck was chasing me all over the streets when I was walking to Lakeville I tried to get a police report yesterday and I just talked to a police officer trying to get a police report now they refused to write the police report now I have to walk to the mayor's office and inform the mayor that his idiot police officers refuse to write a police report he said he's going to merely contact the moron that is faking being a doctor guess who I talk to the same idiot pretending to be a doctor the stupid moron that doesn't even know how to write a police report. he gave me a call number L A 22102-00351-34 please go look it up I called 911 and they transferred me to the idiot officer Christopher deck from Texas who isn't supposed to be here what the hell do you think you're doing. as you can see this moron pretending to be a doctor said that he's already contacted the Dakota County Sheriff's Department that's because it's Xander Haley who's over there pretending to be a sheriff working as an officer he's a rapist Pig and he's choking. his stupid b**** officer Carly notches finished she's done this is the Hideous most hideous s*** I've ever seen almost more hideous than her fake right up that she subjected me to and then put me in a Cell for lockdown after she dragged feces and urine all over the unit 81. 8 of course he's already talked to the Dakota County Sheriff's department and claimed I was harassing him I don't even know who he is or what he looks like how the hell am I harassing him this stupid mother f***** put me in jail for 5 months claiming harassment and I don't even know what he looks like how the hell am I harassing him he came all the way to Minnesota to attack me he came here from Texas to attack me I'm not the one guilty of harassment that bald ugly piece of s*** is the one that's guilty of harassment chasing me all over the goddamn streets and I can't even get a police report Minnesota's f***** you shouldn't have let him in your state

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