It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Park police

 police officers showed up at the Park and they started walking through the park talking to every person that was in the park I have no idea what's going on and who they're looking for I'm assuming that they were called . Here are the issues I see you do not have the legal right to ask somebody for their ID unless they have committed a crime and that's exactly what these officers are doing . It became pretty clear they're looking for somebody in particular when 6 sapd showed up they were talking to the man in the red car he was having engine problems they immediately asked for his ID and registration even though he had done nothing wrong . They ran his information through the system and six sapd showed up I have no idea what's going on  then they let him go apparently it was the wrong person I see that man here at this park almost every night . I have no idea what's going on 
 It was me they were looking for me they received a false report of some dangerous person over at the park. They were looking for me. This is happened so many times. About a year-and-a-half ago on the corner of Wars Bach and I-10 there was a report made that somebody jumped off a bridge. I was sitting on a bench less than a block away. It took me awhile to figure it out many of the police officers were in on it and knew that I had not jumped off a bridge two fire trucks showed up two ambulances showed up and they kept searching and searching and looking for this person that never jumped off no Bridge a news crew even showed up and I had talked to them. I informed them nobody jumped off the bridge they were trying to set up a crime scene where I had committed suicide while they were planning my death. It's likely somebody was going to shoot me but in all of the reports it would be listed as me jumping off a bridge that is only 16 ft High generally people don't die if they fall 16 feet. They had almost 30 police officers they're looking for one person would jumped off a bridge why do you need two ambulances for one person why do you need so many fire trucks. When the police officer saw me standing there taking pictures of them some of them got very worried and they put their foot in that accelerated in bed away from the scene the fake crime scene speeding all the way down the highway that's how dirty the police officers are here in San Antonio visit at your own risk. It was an undercover agent who had alerted me as to what was happening and told me to take pictures. As I've told you before you go ahead and keep committing all these crimes believing that you're not being watched or investigated and dig your own grave.

There was another time that

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