It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

Hillary Clinton backstabbing

So everybody in our nation is seen the tweets that Hillary Clinton put out upset and emotional that President pudding didn't pick her was her words. It's obvious that she was trying to earn his respect it's obvious that she respect him and his opinion. It's obvious at some point in time that their friendship fell apart.
Many years ago I had a Tumblr account Hillary Clinton was making comments and she was attacking me anytime I would tell a story about the Castro Brothers I wish sure to see Hillary Clinton delivering attacks upon me. When she would send creditors to attack me she would then send me messages that they were Russian. According to Hillary Clinton everybody was Russian. The Asian people the Japanese the North Koreans all of them were Russian according to Hillary. She is a strange bird estranged fat bird.
On the Tumblr that very few people could see because it was a controlled environment I started putting out mean things about President Putin. I was trying to play along with Hillary Clinton's little game that she was playing. When I put the memes about President P out there I expected her to attack me and protect him and his character his reputation. Hillary Clinton didn't do anything. Didn't even open her mouth. She never sent the planes over my head she didn't send creditors to assault me sexually or otherwise she did nothing. If you have respect for this man and you want to earn his respect shouldn't you protect his dignity protect his character when I'm talking badly? It was a test and Hillary failed the test miserably. I was lucky that President P was able to see what I was doing.
As Hillary Clinton continue to fraim Russia for all of the crimes that she was committing and her foreign agent friends were committing I went with the flow I built a letter that pointed the finger at Russia. I announced that Russia was attacking me and all of their agents. When all of the other foreign Agents from various other countries most expecially Japan received the letter they were literally drooling. All of these other countries including 35 Nations an organization centered around espionage received the letter read the letter they began teaming up ideas and plans to frame Russia for all of their crimes. They saw an opportunity to keep themselves hidden and the crimes hidden by pointing the finger at Russia. The Japanese spies that have been stalking and harassing me and following me all over San Antonio where the meanest group of people I have ever encountered it's hard to call them human. I didn't see any human qualities I still don't. They were nasty pretentious full of themselves walking into our country committing Espionage acting like we owe them something we don't know you anything deportation a prison sentence yes we do owe you that. These Japanese spies have a few sheriff in their pocket. And one of them is Stephanie Flores. There's others but Stephanie Flores with so outwardly colluding with the Japanese making it so obvious. She has no filter. She doesn't know what stealth is, couth, class, reservation...She none of these qualities or skills. To this very day she has no idea or concern the Trump investigating team is watching closely and she will not get away with her crimes.

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