It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

Hubert Robertson collusion acting without thinking

Hubert Robertson is probably thinking right now that it's a good time to get rid of the gun you might want to watch and listen to him closely. Maybe when he post it online to be sold or starts calling around to sell it you might want to be the buyer.

  • Let me tell you how stupid the Pollock is. He came to my house and Bay City Michigan was talking to my roommate he was trying to convince them that I was insane and crazy and that while we were together I was taking large doses of medication many different kinds of medication he said several bottles. He said I had all kinds of mental diagnosises he was instructed to do this by Gregory Marshall. Neither one of them have a goddamn brain. He was trying to convince my roommates that I would have angry Outburst and that I would hit them and fly off the handle of course it never happened because it's not true. He was trying to create chaos with roommates so that I would be homeless yet again they were trying to turn them against me and they were doing this crap ever since. Hubert Robertson and Gregory Marshall don't have a lick of sense. I have medical records I can get my medical records dating all the way back to childhood I don't have any diagnosis of any sort of mental disorder. I don't have angry outbursts don't fly off the handle and I don't hit people either they pulled all this crap out of their ass. I never took any medications when I was with Hubert Robertson I didn't do the drugs he was doing and a regular basis either I didn't even so much as take Tylenol. I didn't have one single prescription I most certainly didn't have several bottles in the bathroom that I had to take on a regular basis. Then the morons used this lie and started telling people that I have medication that I refuse to take started giving people medication ground up to put in my food and drink telling these idiots that I needed the medication and they needed to slip it into my food and drink. Of course Gerald Alexander complied with this crap and that's when Gregory Marshall called my doctor and told my doctor that I was abusing medication that I was a drug addict after he had some pedophile putting medication in my food and drink Gerald wasn't very smart about it it was putting it in my coffee and I could taste it he's an idiot I would jump out the damn coffee and make new coffee when I did actually have a drug test done administered by a CPS agent it came out clean which I guess means that he unsuccessful Lee was slipping this medication into my drinking food. Does anybody find it amazing that these two more on Saturday we're going to get away with lying when I could prove it was a lie. Apparently they never thought that they would end up this far they most certainly never knew that the FBI I was watching them the entire time they were watching those messages being sent from Gregory Marshall to Hubert Robertson they were watching all those phone calls to the foreign agents Gregory Marshall was making they were watching the entire time. I've seen the CIA operative than agents tell the same stupid kind of lies that can be proven to be lies. People really are that stupid. I guess we all have expectations that members of our intelligence agencies are actually intelligent how very disappointing that's not true

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