It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 27, 2020

December 2nd 2017 foreign agents by doctor

Chief William McManus took me or ha

d me take me to Behavioral Health on December 1st I confronted him and asked him if I could speak to him and he asked what can I do for you so I made a long list of what he could do for me. You destroyed my career my children are trapped in abuse my home is gone I have no job I'm on the streets know where to go and this stupid piece of crap asked me what he could do for me you can go to prison and write everything that you did wrong to me and the state of Texas is going to pay me millions of dollars because of the crimes that you committed against me and now since Governor Abbott doesn't want to do his job it's that many more millions that would be paid.
Before I knew it was 16 cops surrounding me and the fat black man that does security detail for chief McManus was getting in my face I was sitting down at a table and chair outside by the Riverwalk and this fact loudmouth black man who does security detail for chief McManus was screaming and yelling at me he was chewin from my face with his finger he was in my personal space with his ugly fat body yelling at me and none of it made any damn sense because I never did anything wrong. That fat black man has been following me around the city ever since he is not a control himself he doesn't know how to stop himself he knows nothing about professionalism and the doorknob kept accusing me of doing something wrong and he didn't even know what the hell he was talking about. Asking the chief of police if you can talk to them it's not against the law people all of you had the right to talk to the chief please all of you have the right to call his office all of you have a right to request a meeting with him you pay your tax dollars and he's supposed to be there protecting you all of you have that right. The fat ugly black man did Jesse's security detail most certainly does not have the right to threaten me he most certainly does not have the right to get in my personal space he does not have the right to accuse me of committing a crime I never committed he's a piece of s***. And I look forward to his indictment.
Is it a long story let me just cut to the chase eventually I was taking to the VA Medical Center and an intern showed up she forced me to do a strip search she's stripped out my clothes off and just staring at my naked body because she's a freak she was an intern at the time not actually a dog doctor at all and she should have never became a doctor either but you know those foreign agents pies they could to do all kinds of things they're not supposed to do and they get away with committing all kinds of crimes they should not be getting away with committing.
The pictures of Paddington the bear went in the wrong spot so basically when I had to deal with this college student piece of crap thing that shouldn't be calling herself a pediatrician psychologist she reminded me of Paddington the bear because of her name. It's more like Pennington or something close to that but it reminded me of the affair. She is a foreign agent and looks like she's English I have no idea what team she plays for. I gave her my entire story and she told me that she was going to petition the courts to have me held against my will simply because Chief McManus all of his idiots and the Castro Brothers called her and asked her to do so. The VA never does this absolutely never does it. I told her that I had all of the emails witness statements pictures documentation journals to prove my story I had them in my hand and I told her to read them I was handing them to this piece of crap's college student that should have never been a doctor telling her it was proof my story was real. The highly unintelligent and nasty intern told me that's not her job to read the witness statements the emails in the police reports that I had there. Yeah it most certainly is your job you stupid or not when you are going to decide that somebody story is crazy and untrue you better read everything and you better make sure their story isn't true and based on their story you're going to have them unlawfully detained and held against their will after you colluded with dirty police officers wielding your position to do them a favor and dirty politicians as well that's alright because you're a spy and our intelligence agencies can see you you're the only stupid ass the things that you are invisible. So she went ahead refused to look at all of the documentation that I have right there in my hand refuse to look at the video of Chief McManus that I took when I was forced into Behavioral Health I simply asked him can I speak to you he said what can I do for you if you're going to ask me what you can do for me you better expect an answer and I gave you one and it's all recorded everybody go to YouTube and look at it. And that's how stupid McManus is. And this highly unprofessional sociopath who thinks it's not her goddamn job to look at the evidence to support a story is now going to prison not only Espionage treason but she's also going to look at malpractice she's also going to look at collusion and obstruction of justice holding someone unlawfully against their will she's also going to look at official oppression of sorts she signed an order to have me sent to court to have me held against my will simply because the chief of police told her to do it she will never be a doctor in this country or any other country she will be going to prison for a long time and when she gets out of prison she'll be deported out of our country never to be allowed to come back again she's never going to ruin another life and she most certainly should not be working with children what did you discuss Ting excuse for human and that child that you gave birth to doctor psycho was born in the US. That child will stay here in this country but you will leave you will get the hell out that child born here is a US citizen but you're a sociopath a foreign agent guilty of Espionage and treason and you will be leaving without the child. Since you enjoyed conspiring to attack a mother fighting for her children since you conspired keep my children trapped in a buse without their mother now it comes back on you tenfold and you will experience the same torture and hell that you have put on me and my children. Your child is better off without you because you're a VI sociopath and you ruined lives. you strip-searched somebody who was supposedly emotionally distraught somebody who is in emotional crisis you don't strip search people you sick bitch.  here in this country we have human rights and we have civil rights I don't know who the hell you think you are but you're going to be telling this entire country just how sick you are and what the hell you think you're doing stripping me of my rights both civil and human and you work with children that's goddamn scary.
 this psycho should not be around any children she should not even be around the children that she gave birth to she is probably subjecting them to all kinds of torture you just think about a medical professional who thinks it's okay just subject somebody to a strip search make them stand there naked and turn around four times what kind of a psycho is this bitch?  and then she was dumb enough to think that I would believe the lie that it wasn't her job to look at the emails the police reports the witness statements that collaborate my story based on my story and my story alone this moron put a court order in do you realize the seriousness of the crime that she committed and how many years she will be going to prison because she is a psycho anybody ever notice that it's those people who have mental conditions and who are completely unstable that go into psychology as if they are trying to fix themselves

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