It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, June 29, 2020

Astronomically stupid responses

Remember these are elected officials  they're supposed to be smart  their office staff is supposed to be smart as well we expect them to at least have an ounce of Common Sense and you can see from the responses here that that is not true .  Don't start walking around thinking that just because their lawmakers the running cities  that they actually have a brain and look at Martinez  from Sedona Arizona proving  what a moron he is  to add to all of the other responses I've ever received from him .  He's simply sent a? Well thank you for showing the entire nation  that you are so easily confused when I laid out the information so plainly  thank you for showing  that you are not qualified for you position . Look at how many of them said that they don't have jurisdiction to make a phone call to a governor  and that's not true just in case anybody's wondering it's absolutely not true . Somebody's 6 hours from San Antonio decided they couldn't make a phone call to a government decided they couldn't read a Blog . And who do you think they are and what team do you think they belong to ?  This is how the demons reveal themselves this is how they show their true colors  this is how they get investigated and indicted  this right here 

Take a look at Iowa  look at this response everybody received the same email with the fine details of what is happening to me instructing them to read a Blog .  This individual says they don't understand what is happening  because you didn't read how I explained what is happening ? So if I send another email explaining the exact same thing I already explained  you're going to understand this time ?  Probably not . Everybody  thank your lucky stars this person is not in charge of your city operations .  They asked me if I spoke to my local law enforcement  my local law enforcement that's trying to kill me ? Yeah spoke to them a lot  as they falsely arrest me as they throw me and Behavioral Health for no just reason  as they send criminals they pulled out of the jail to kill me . Oh yes I speak to them often  as they're stalking and harassing me asking me for my ID when I have not committed a crime . The officer that arrested me for a crime that I wasn't guilty of didn't even ask for my ID and all of you who are in law enforcement you understand what's wrong with that picture right ? I certainly hope so and if you don't understand what's wrong please don't say anything . 

The highway patrol in any state  can make a phone call to any Governor this statement is stupid they're trying to pass the buck they don't want to become involved because this is their Pals  that they would fight against .  They don't want to step on any toes of dirty politicians because  those are their friends . They're making a vague statement that is absolutely not true .  Hoping nobody sees it and it's not brought into a court of law . With absolutely no sensor understanding  that  investigation team that is watching all of this will now be watching this lieutenant  very closely . Because now they have probable cause with a response as astronomically stupid as this one . 

This response isn't bad  I'm not going to hold them accountable because they didn't read the blog  and see that I've been to the FBI the NSA in the CIA  I'm not going to hold them accountable because they spoke before actually reading the block and seeing what I've already done  I'm not going to blame them because they don't understand that Texas Department  of Corrections  is pulling inmates out of the prisons and sending them at me . 

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