It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

Officer Nick Doiser

This psychopath was outside my house when I was locked in the house they were trying to Gaslight me into believing that police officers were being arrested by the FBI agents were showing up and finally arresting the dirty police officers and it was all a hoax lie. This cycle path followed me when I walk to Waco Texas following me in his pickup truck circling me each City that I arrived and he contacted local PD and instructed the dirty police officers from many police departments to terrorize me stalking harassment and circle me both on-duty and off-duty they were stupid enough to listen to the psycho and now they will have no more badge and gun and calling him CIA wet it's the same difference because this moron is hanging out with the CIA twits here in San Antonio Texas colluding with them Espionage and treason. He's more than happy to break the law and kill people as a favor to the CIA more than happy to unlawfully hack into people's phones and their Electronics manipulating things that they're saying in their phone manipulating the emails that are being sent and when he was stalking and harassing me all over the city of San Antonio he brought his girlfriend / wife with him because of course you know he doesn't want to go to prison without her and that's exactly what's going to happen to her this boy ruins lives everybody he touches. When his mouth is running you can tell who it is he's pretentious and full of himself callus he says the most idiotic thing in my Tumblr and Instagram account he was announcing that I would never see my children again he was announcing that my children would be better off without me. Every time I have contacted CPS and tried to report the abuse of my children this psycho police officer contact CPS telling them that I am crazy and my children are okay my children are trapped and abuse being abused and suffering everyday emotional verbal and physical because this psychopath sapd officer is out of control and care about children he doesn't care about the residents of San Antonio he cares about himself and his fellow cih wits and the foreign agents pies that he concludes with attacking our democracy and our country this is a piece of s*** through and through quite comparable to Jeffrey Dahmer the experiment of the CIA and they found another experiment and he looks similar to Jeffrey Dahmer across from bull in Night Court and Jeffrey Dahmer not very good looking in other words people rather disgusting

After Nick Dozer is the one that sent the black man to assault and he most certainly did assault me that's why I got to astronomically stupid fortune cookie that told me that I was exaggerating. Because he knew the serious crime that he was guilty up that man assaulted me. And it is not the only Street criminal that he is sent to assault me it is not the first time I have been assaulted by people sent at me by Officer Nick Dozer. The moron was trying to protect the homeless Criminal but he's also trying to protect himself. He understands the seriousness of the crime that he is committing he knows how many years he will get. The more I made an attempt on my life and apparently he thinks that's not nearly as serious as sending these criminals to assault me over and over again continuously sending these criminals with the instruction to take my life. He knows he's looking at Capital Punishment and he's trying to minimize the things that he's doing. But he continues to do it he is not stopping and he is still in my phone he is still out here on the street on duty and off duty terrorizing me. The moronic police officers that continue to do as he instructs them to do will lose their Badges and their guns and if they don't lose their job completely they will be in ethics counseling for the rest of their careers. Now how can police officers be so stupid to follow the instruction of a sociopath
I hope everybody can see clearly how this sapd sociopath was purposely sending black men at me and they were assaulting me they were terrorizing me I was scared to death this is an attack on black lives matter and he was doing it on purpose. He purposely picked criminals and homeless men who are black. This isn't going to look good at all for black lives matter it will ruin your protests here and that was exactly what he was trying to do

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