It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

Ariel Jade Robertson

I filed for a PPO order in 2012 apparently it didn't process from go to properly and I had to go back in 2013 and I took my daughter Ariel with me. While we were in the Family Justice Department she made a full statement to give to the caseworker about the abuse that she had suffered at Greg's hand. There was so many stories to tell I believe the story she told was the day that he grabbed her by the arm and tore across the living room floor. It was the day we were trying to get the keys to the automobile that isn't even in his name that he was holding. He decided Ariel didn't need new clothing for a school event and wanted to keep us from going to the mall. Going to the mall with only one of the many things we were going to do I was trying to finish filing my divorce and he kept me locked in the house making sure I couldn't get it done. When we would try to get the keys to the automobile he would hit us Louis across the living room floor screaming and yelling at us standing at the door refusing to let us out. Ariel rolled up in a complete statement about the abuse. Nicola HUD was the DEA at the time and he manipulated his office to do his Powell favor I was told that they were unable to serve the PPO order to him and that made it null and void. When I tried to get a copy of the PPO order the caseworker I believe her name was Brianna or something like that refuse to give me a copy and told me I can't give you a copy because it's no in void she lied through her teeth giving me a statement proving that I was there trying to get it with her signature on it. Dirty police officers and dirty CIA twitch tried to make sure that it was deleted and gone forever. Nothing is ever deleted and gone forever that's how pretentious they are. And now aerial Jade Robertson is lying about the abuse that she suffered from Greg she's turning it around on me lying to everyone she talks to saying I was the one that was abusive. There's all kinds of statements just like this one out there all over the place for the taking. Be careful Ariel about stretching the truth because it might snap back at you. You weren't just stretching the truth you were lying through your damn teeth thinking you were getting away with it. As you planned your mother's death as you tried to create an emotional breakdown hoping that I was becoming suicidal hoping that I would kill myself hoping that your own mother would be dead you're very sick.
I invite everybody to take a very close look at the CPS investigation of records and the statements that my daughter Ariel and all of my other children made about the fact that Gregory Marshalls and abusive I invite you all to look at the statement to Ariel Jade Robertson made about the fact that her mother is not abusive and she never suffered any abuse at the hands of her mother and now all of a sudden she's telling the exact opposite story. I'm sure that the CIA twit told her that the CPS investigation report said be changed and every statement that she originally made we're gone. I'm sure because that's how pretentious and stupid they are. I have news for all of you I got the originals right away and I hung onto them I scanned them I make copies of them I publish them on this blog and other blogs they went out and emails to. Then after I was locked in my house with police officer trying to kill me I gave them to the FBI. Be careful how you lie it might not back at you

Auntie Ruth's 3 dirty Latino officers that sat at the Starbucks across from me with my CPS investigation reports manipulating them and changing everything that they said right in front of me to create enough set to cover up the crimes of your pal the fat trailer park trash Gregory Marshall. Not only were you being watched as your change them the originals are in the hands of the FBI watching you. There's copies of The Originals in the hands of the sapd officers who are investigating you. Good job changing all the records oh good job making me think that the originals were gone it would never be seen in a court of law because I really believed it, not in your life you're so stupid. Every action word out of your mouth proves how stupid you are and that goes for Nelson Coleman and Houghton and all of you Latinos down at Door Church. You don't think you don't have a brain you can't think ahead. You really think you got rid of the originals and you could just make your own version of it? That is what you thought you understand how much trouble you're in and what kind of charge is that means for you you better stop and use what little brain you have

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