It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Witness to Greg Marshall and Hubert Robertson's psycho Behavior

There used to be an employee at the San Antonio fatherhood campaign named Joel. A very large obese man he drove Gregory Marshall to Michigan to kidnap the children and yes it's kidnapping because that court order is not honored in any Court because when you decide custody of children both parents are supposed to be there because the presiding judge that signed it is a psycho a foreign agent guilty of Espionage and treason and will be going to prison for the rest of his damn life. when Gregory Marshall was coming to Michigan there was a warrant out for his arrest the moment that he reached the Border he was supposed to be arrested and put in jail. The Castro Brothers the dirty politicians and psychos decided to make phone calls to all of the city officials in Bay City Michigan and told them to remove the warrant they made phone calls the US Marshal and told a bunch of lies to that idiot to and now he will go down in history as the US Marshal who is a traitor to our country guilty of espionage collusion.
When Joel and Gregory Marshall was here in Michigan they were staying at Hubert Robertson's house in the middle of the night Hubert Robertson Gregory Marshall and Carrie Robertson will get on the snow machine to come to my house they were taking large logs and beating on the foundation of the house making loud scary noises ring through the entire house waking us up scaring us and terrorizing us. They were trying to cause us to lose sleep so the children would miss school the more school they missed the worse I looked as a parent. Apparently they were having trouble getting the children and taking the children they were having trouble justifying giving him the children. After all he was removed from the home by CPS he was known to be abusive and the CPS investigation that have been done in Michigan proved that he was abusive and the children were afraid of him. Eventually he was able to pull enough strings and get it done. those are some sick people in Bay City Michigan those are some traitors to our nation I haven't even gotten to Essexville Michigan and all of this psycho bullies that live there but we are going to get to it. Joel didn't go with them on the snow machines when they were there at 3 in the morning beating on my Foundation of my house but he knew exactly what they were doing. Joel is a man who claims to be a Christian claims to be a good person a God-fearing man who cares about the well-being and safety of children and that's why he worked for the nonprofit other words he's a liar. Anybody who claims to be a Christian a good person is simply setting themselves up to judge other people belittle them and look down on them to make themselves feel better and feel Superior. he drove Greg and the children back to Texas listening to Greg brainwashing our children the entire way never stopping him never doing anything never going to the authorities never seen what he had been apart of was very wrong very sick. Joel quit working at the San Antonio fatherhood campaign shortly after the children had been kidnapped from Michigan.
There was a foreign agent that was living next to me when I lived in the house on the river she was married to somebody I knew from high school his mother with my teacher. I can't remember what country she's from Vietnam North Korea some such thing but I did know that during the marriage she was destroying his relationship with his parents the same way Greg did to me. He was calling his mother derogatory names saying what a horrible person she was his mother was my teacher and she was not a horrible person. I didn't know what happened to him obviously he was brainwashed to the foreign agent that he married. How easily people are manipulated how easily they throw away who they are throw away their own value system. Kari Robertson the foreign agent went over to their house the day that Greg decided he was going to take the kids they opened up all of the blinds and watched me get the kids to the school bus for school that day he was going to the school to take the kids and he wasn't going to allow them to say goodbye to any of their relatives their grandparents or aunts and uncles cousins they weren't allowed to say goodbye to any of their friends at school you see the principal is a psycho let me explain another New World Order.
Daiquiri Marshall was making phone calls to the school the principal in the counselor he had had a strange conversation with the principal telling her that he was friends with the director of the United Way in San Antonio Texas her husband is the director of the United Way in Bay City Michigan. Not only was he trying to make a connection with this woman so he could manipulate her into abusing her position but United Way is one of the new world order dirty non-profit companies who plan to ruin our way of life to who plan to ruin our democracy. Now At first she wasn't giving in to Gregory Marshall's request and all of his lies that he was telling but apparently her husband talked her into it because eventually she started to attack in the most god-awful ways with life. No principal ever comes out to a house just because there's no electricity. that was her way of helping Gregory Moore Marshall and the New World Order demons attack me that was her way of doing a favor for not only her husband but all of these other foreign agent creepers to keep in their good graces she manipulated her job and that's the problem here in the United States we have a bunch of sociopaths teaching our children and running our school system.

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