It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

While I was attending one of the protesting event all the members of the Protist received a social media update that there was an active shooter in Travis Park. They had to contact sapd to find out if there was indeed an active shooter come to find out it was a big lie and it spread Fast 2. Most of the protesters were terrified and didn't would not want to stop at Travis Park like they had been doing every night that week. It was a dirty police officer that put that posting out there Officer Nick Dozer is attacking black lives matter it's very obvious picking out black criminals to attack me knowing that the members of Black lives matter are looking at my blog I think it was Officer Nick jozer that put that post on Twitter but I assure you somebody knows exactly who it was somebody of authority.
Now stop to think about how that looks for sapd how does that look for the State of Texas and the dirty police officers hear it's quite an illustration of their criminal ways. Trying to stop the protesters by terrorizing them. It was a peaceful protest as if tear gas and rubber bullets isn't enough now we have Cycles like Officer Nick Dozer attacking them from behind the scenes in a passive aggressive manner. Think about how this entire world will look down their noses at Texas think how this entire world well damn the name of Texas from this day forth because of the sociopath Officer Nick Doiser. If Governor Abbott chooses to continue to do nothing about the crimes of this officer in a court of law he will be held accountable for those crimes because it is the same as giving him permission to continue to commit those crimes. Many Texans who still support the governor might be very upset when he is no longer governor and quite feasibly indicted and put in prison and they can blame and thank Officer Nick Dozer and several other dirty officers he works with on a daily basis

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