It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, June 29, 2020

Minions still here both new

 Still here and sending out my emails anyway Doiser psycho looses again. OMG McManus did you trust that psycho was going to save your but save your career and save you from capital punishment play? Everybody love me remind you that McManus is the doorknob that thought that he was going to have me announcing that I believe in alien life so that he can have me locked in Behavioral Health. He was Marching In the veterans parade saying she believes UFOs exist. As a matter of fact McManus I know they exist and you're the door knob that doesn't realize it. You really think that you can have somebody locked and behavioral health because they believe in UFOs and Hanley in life? Yes everybody the chief of police is actually that stupid and he proved it by believing Dozer is going to save him from capital punishment. He's just making the mountain of crimes that you are guilty of and that you will be held accountable for that much bigger.
 Who is Hanley?

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