It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Gregory Marshall and foreign agent Kari Coleman

They have been planning for years for my demise to attack me to create a nervous breakdown to create Suicidal Tendencies he had it been unable to get rid of me using poison throughout the marriage so he decided that he was going to create my emotional breakdown and caused me to take my own life Prince had done it to his wife and he was teaching Greg that he could do it to his wife as well. Prince is a psycho and dumbass it was never going to be able to do it to me.
Kari and Greg were constantly talking and scheming plans. She was instructed to bad-mouth me in front of my daughter she was instructed to treat my daughter like crap. Treating people in a nasty manner being nasty to the core is in carries nature she's a psychopath and most foreign agents are. They were able to pressure me into allowing Ariel to go to Michigan for 1 year that way they could break down the relationship between my daughter and I while she was in Michigan Carey was treating her like crap yelling and screaming at her taking her things away forcing her to do chores she wouldn't get one single hour of Peace as long as Carey was around and it was a plan. I had to call my sister-in-law to go get my daughter because Carrie was out of control. This happened several times during the year that Ariel was there her father was never around he was out of town working. Carrie was simply someone he was dating and he was set up with her by Gregory Marshall he's just too stupid to know it. Ariel blames me and she was angry with me meanwhile Greg Carey and Huey were filling Ariel's head full of lies about me things that I do or don't do and how bad of a person that I am they finally were able to break down the relationship between my daughter and I and use her as a pawn a tool and they are still using her as a pawn and tool to this very day because she is not a person of her own making her own decisions.
Ariel told me that she wanted to become a history teacher. She was never interested in history before she went to live with her father that was his Forte he had an aptitude for history. It's pretty obvious my daughter is making career choices to appease her father. So Ariel if you think that you have such an attitude for history and you think that you have the ability to teach history I want you to take a moment and look at our history. Here in America what do we do with traitors to our nation people who are guilty of treason and Espionage in our history what happens to these people? You better start thinking about what you're doing you better start to understand the gravity of the situation that you are participating in. Those of us who do not learn from our history are doomed to repeat it. Who is it that said that aerial if you think you know so much about history who said that? Why don't you prove that you know anything about our history and think about what you're doing and what you're participating in

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