It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Governor Abbott will you do your job

 Just like all the emails I've been sending the governor over and over again telling him that my life is in danger now I've got active Shooters homeless criminals that are combative coming at me  dirty police officers circling me a couple of dirty detectives that decided to come to Starbucks after it was closed simply because I was there  helicopters sapd is sending them into another city called Alamo Heights .  Commercial airlines are being  manipulated and sent off their course at me . Throughout the night they will be looking for people that are willing to do a drive-by shooting  just like I had a few minutes ago and I continue to bag Governor Abbott pulled me to safety because my life is in danger . The danger that I speak of can be proven without a doubt it can be seen . And I were Governor continues to refuse to pull me to safety leaving me out here in danger I'm in pain I'm starving without food I haven't bathed in weeks . I have nowhere to go I have no shelter I'm on a slab of cement and I've been here for a very long time  watching and documenting the crimes are that are happening in San Antonio sending the governor email after email giving him very precise details about the crimes that are happening and that have been happening for years and the governor still refuses to do his job .  Perhaps all of you that are reading this can give him a call perhaps you can send him an email  hit his Twitter Facebook because these are all things I can't do right now because the dirty CIA is manipulating my phone the more pictures I have the less control I have with this phone . I would really appreciate it if all of my readers would contact Governor Abbott and ask him if he's going to do his job ask him if he remembers the oath that he took  to uphold our constitution ask him if he knows with civil rights and human rights are  because he his actions  are not indicating that he even knows what these things are . I beseech all of you good people that are reading please contact the governor  as many as possible  let's wake him up and remind him what his job is because Texas deserves more than  a man that sits on his butt doing nothing 

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