It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

Christmas 2013 Ariel Jade Robertson

Ariel Jade Robertson decided to start helping dirty politicians and her stepfather Gregory Marshall to attack me. I wasn't the only one she attacked. Her two brothers and her sister were ten 7 and 5 at the time. They had just lost their father I made a huge move from Texas to Michigan. We lost everything because of the efforts of the Castro brothers and Gregory Marshall and we were living in my parents basement. If everything wasn't bad enough for these children their big sister decided she didn't want to be around. They want to see her and spend time with her we were Family Once. When Gregory Marshall and her father Hubert Robertson instructed her to start playing games and try to bring me to an emotional breakdown by ending our relationship she was also ending the relationship with three small children. When we moved in our own home she spent a little bit of time they're just so that she could get information from me to pass along to Gregory Marshall and Hubert Robertson things that they could use against me things they could attack me with she was there little spy. The few times that she did visit she was nasty yelling screaming she was calling people out of their names and pointing out their shortcomings making them feel bad about themselves. She gave the household and negative vibe we were all avoiding her while she was there that's how nasty she was. Think about calling a five-year-old out of his name pointing out his shortcomings to make him feel bad about himself what kind of a person would do that that's her little brother that nearly died at Birth. She had completely turned into a complete sociopath just like her grandmother and her father. She planned with her grandmother and her father a fight with me. She came in the house slamming doors yelling and screaming I told her to stop. She started yelling and screaming that I was being mean to her and I had no right to tell her what to do. She called up her grandma Kathy and she lied to her and said that I was being abusive that I hit her and I was yelling and screaming at her no such thing ever happened. Her grandma Kathy arrived at my house coming right into the house as if she owned it yelling and screaming about abuse yelling and screaming that she was going to call CPS I had done nothing wrong.  I finally was able to get her to move to the garage the back door and get out of the house that doesn't belong to her where she is not welcome. She stood in the back door with her hand on the doorknob slamming the back door against the wall repetitively over and over again as she was screaming about things that were happening in the house and the abuse she was pulling it from her ass fabricating it out of thin air and none of it made any sense at all. I was laughing at her there was nothing else I could do nothing made any sense she wouldn't stop yelling and screaming she was being a complete idiot slamming my door throwing her body all over the place like a moron look like she was on drugs. And when I laughed in her face about the stupid things that she said she became even more enraged not that this woman could ever control her temper not that she's ever known anything about emotional intelligence I had a 54 year-old woman standing in my door not able to control her rage at 54 you would think somebody who would have some emotional intelligence and no no not this psycho and it runs in the family.
Now they had this whole plan drummed up they were talking to Greg about it they were talking to the Castro Brothers about it and planning this whole thing out so when Ariel arrived after telling me that she missed the family and want to spend time with family the first thing she did was give me a sketch of a dress she wanted me to so for her and she needed it in 10 days. Ariel is notorious for last minute projects I've had thousands of all nighters finishing her last-minute project and some of them were school projects. Can you believe it the sociopath was coming over to attack me to create a scene to create allegations false allegations of abuse and she wanted me to so her a dress while she's planning to attack me. Does anybody see the narcissism here?
This happened in October. Thank goodness for two brothers and her sister were not in the house when she did all of this crap. She had already assaulted them and hurt their feelings and broken their hearts they most certainly didn't need to see this crap.
When Christmas came around my three small children were missing their big sister she refused to come around for Christmas she refused to call them she refused to buy them presents. They tried to call her and they couldn't get her to answer the phone. What kind of sick people attack and make three small children suffer because they're helping dirty politicians attack their mother. Hubert wouldn't talk to them grandma Kathy wouldn't talk to them all of these people were constant presence in their life before they decided to help Gregory Marshall to attack me. Now you think about the sick Robertson family that decided it was okay to make three small children suffer because of their grand plan of having me have a nervous breakdown and commit suicide. They had plans of taking these children's Mother away from them and if that wasn't bad enough they decided to abandon them during their birthdays during Christmas and all holidays and when their big sister was around she was nasty and mean to them.
 the children had gone to Hubert Robertson's house and they were talking to their father on Skype the children then were brainwashed into believing that mom was doing things wrong at home they kept asking the children and drilling them over and over again asking them a hundred questions obviously this wasn't quality family time now was it they were using the children as tools. When Hubert Robertson brought my children back to my home they come running in the house ran up to me grabbed my bathrobe and swung it open. Under the bathrobe with a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. It's cold in Michigan we wear bathrobes. Hubert Robertson and Gregory Marshall were lying to the children telling them that I was walking around the house naked with nothing more than a bathrobe on because the children had told them that I often wear the bathrobe. So the two Psychopaths and the psycho Ariel Jade Robertson assumed that I must have been naked under the bathrobe. oh what was that that you said to me Ariel about assumptions make an ass of me yes you are an ass. That's how hard the sick Robertson family and Gregory Marshall had to work to find something wrong with me something wrong that I was doing well she must be walking around naked because it wasn't drinking I wasn't doing drugs I wasn't mean to my children the way they are. basically I wasn't doing anything wrong. Basically I'm a better person than they are and they have to attack people that are better than they are. Stacy me is weak and vulnerable and they find it empowering to attack and break down those that they think are weak. If they can down play somebody else if they can find something wrong with another person they don't have to look at themselves and look at their own issues which as you can see are huge issues huge.
 we kicked out Gerald Alexander in late October and before he went he disclosed everything to me that they had been planning this attack on me for a very long time he was talking about years that they had all been colluding to attack me in this manner many years. Think about how sick these people are my children were the ones that suffered more than I did my children are suffering now. Now you think about how sick and grotesque the people are that cause this much pain for three small children moving them all over the country six years now without their mother. Being brainwashed by a psychopath who used to be their big sister being brainwashed by two alcoholics by the name of Kathy and Hubert Robertson being brainwashed by the sociopath that is their father who killed his own parents who tried to kill them who tried to kill their mother who tried to kill their grandmother Janet Nearing. Those children are abused every day verbally physically they are poisoned and I tried to contact poison control and that very sick Officer Nick Dozer made sure that poison control didn't get the information I tried to contact CPS and the very sick Officer Nick Dozer made sure CPS did nothing to help my children. And now I'm waiting for governor Abbott and I shouldn't have to wait this long I've been telling you for months what is happening I'm telling you that my life is in danger and I'm telling you that my children are trapped in abuse enough is enough call officer Christopher deck

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