It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, June 29, 2020

Dual purpose of the phone game

 So yesterday dirty police officers were planning to have me arrested for a phone that I purchased they were going to claim that I had stolen it. The phone actually had a dual purpose investigating agents have done this often a plant idea and dirty police officers heads. but today when the CIA was planning to send my ruthless and heartless daughter at me trying to create some sort of emotional breakdown or angry outburst they had every intention of shutting down my phone. They've done this numerous times like for example when we came Castro showed up as at a Starbucks trying to create an angry outbursts or emotional breakdown my phone shut down and I couldn't use it. Today when they sent my daughter at me they planned the exact same thing shut down the phone so that I couldn't take pictures hope for an angry Outburst or an emotional breakdown and I couldn't get pictures and document everything that was happening. So you see the phone that I purchased that was supposed to land me in jail help me out because I used it to take pictures of my evil offspring playing games for the CIA.
They enjoy playing the game of this is your life I believe it was November and December of 2019 they contacted the people on my Facebook page and started scrolling to see if any of them were willing to come to San Antonio to stalk and harassment and get face-to-face with me hoping to create an emotional distress or angry outburst. Several of the people on the Facebook page we're willing to do this. The CIA paid for their trip here paid for their hotel and their meals they got a free vacation to help commit crime. And you taxpayers should be very upset this is how your money is being used. I remember very clearly in November I was talking in front of my phone in fact I think I even put it in the phone that I was born in the same city that Madonna was born in. Many people got upset about this disclosure. The phone started glitching there was a very enormous reaction. I didn't understand what the big deal was apparently by disclosing my birthplace I gave the foreign agents ideas. Mostly it was Jeff Epstein and the North Koreans that he works with. This was confusing to me because the agents in operatives that I am accustomed to dealing with and being attacked by know exactly where I'm from they have all my information they destroyed my military history record. Now all of a sudden I have to disclose where I was born? At that point I knew that I was dealing with people who didn't have very much clearance in our government. I had been playing games with the North Koreans which I will put in another post and of course I knew that I had Jeff Epstein all over me to. Perhaps it's reassuring to all of you out there that they didn't give Jeff Epstein access to security clearance and that he's unable to access the same things that his CIA buddies are accessing he's just in my phone listening to everything and using it to attack me. He keeps failing what a loser. And now that you've gotten my daughter so deep in this she'll be looking at time 2 thanks a lot stupid. Well she could have said no it was her choice and she is a grown woman Sera Sera.
When all of this was going down and taking place they sent a large Latino in here he was obnoxious he kept getting in people's personal space nobody want to be around him he was sent on purpose to flush me and ask her out of the park. At the same time he arrived my daughter and her boyfriend were at the coffee shop this phone was dinging out of control. But I couldn't use it and couldn't take pictures and I couldn't get online. You see this is Clash of the Clans everything that's happening to me right now the mayor Julian Castro and Joaquin Castro and Gregory Marshall are all responsible no matter who it is that's committing the crime they go down for it. They've been trying to stop this operation for literally years unsuccessfully they do things like this send people to flush me out to move me. Should I don't get pictures or documentation a very serious crimes that are being committed in an effort to create my nervous breakdown. And I don't know if anybody out there is thinking the same way I am if the mayor and the Castro Brothers want to save themselves so badly why don't they just pulled me to safety and restore my life? Certainly that's got to be a lot easier than finding all of these Latino minions and criminals and homeless people to send them at me hoping they can flush me to a different area of San Antonio. That would make the most sense you're moving around all of these people who just became a part of this conspiracy they will be Witnesses against you in a court of law you're making your situation much worse it's so much easier to pull one woman to safety. You see in the small minds of Julian Joaquin Castro if they pulled me to safety they would have to admit their guilt. Because in their little tiny brains they still think they can walk into a court of law and claim they had nothing to do with it. While all of these investigating officers and investigating agents have a mountain of evidence to say otherwise. I'm so is everybody able to see why I continue to use the word stupid?

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