It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, June 26, 2020

November 2013 Michigan

 My electricity was shut off and this was a planned event planned out by Gregory Marshall and Gerald Alexander who had already been kicked out of the house he told me that he paid the bills he took what little money I had and he did not pay the bills. He was also lying to us as he was borrowing money from us telling us that he was getting a large Social Security payment because he had back Social Security coming to him when I talked to the Social Security office they said there was no claim for him no such thing existed and he wasn't getting any money from them. Another reason for him to be kicked out.
So I struggled through this electricity shut off the kids and I all where in one room of the house I put up blankets I use the fireplace to heat meanwhile I was contacting the city trying to get assistance. The school principal and counselor were contacted by Gregory Marshall he knew the electricity was off because we called him and asked him for help. They made a visit to the house then CPS was called and CPS start an investigation because I didn't have electricity. It didn't take long for me to get the assistance and the assistance help me turn it back on but a lot happened before I got the assistance.
I've been looking for work since the moment I got to Michigan I got to work on that right away I was going to reopen a daycare what I didn't know is Gregory Marshall was calling the people that I was applying for I'm telling them that I was a drug addict alcoholic and that I would don't pay my bills and that they don't want to do business with me he was making sure I didn't have an income.
I went to the CPS investigation and I was working with the principal in the counselor and everything was going pretty well. I informed the CPS investigator that I was being accused of being a drug addict that's why we did the drug test and was very grateful for that. She had been told a lot already by Gregory Marshall a lot of lies. She was able to determine that they were lies after spending some time with me and spending time with my children. The CPS agent then called up Gregory Marshall and asked if he was going to help with the electricity bill. He told the CPS agent that it was not his responsibility. She asked him if he was paying child support and why it is that he thought it wasn't his responsibility to take care of his children. He was not paying child support he refused to help us with one single red Cent. He lied to the CPS agent at that point and said that he did not have an income he was working for the San Antonio fatherhood campaign and he most certainly had an income he was also receiving grant money because he lied to the state of Texas and said that he was a victim of domestic violence. There's some pretty dirty nonprofits here. And they manipulate their grants from the government to help out their friends and family. The peace Invasion or some such thing the woman that runs it decided she wanted to help him even though she knew that he was lying about domestic violence she knew that he was lying about being beat on during our marriage. So Gregory Marshall had a free apartment all bills paid they even supplied him with furniture so the money that he was actually bringing in he didn't have any bills to put it towards it was going in the bank. he refused to help us continue to lie and said that he didn't have any money even though it could be proven to be a lie.  my parents called them up and they were yelling at him that he was a deadbeat and that he needed to learn how to take care of his family because he had never done it before and it was time to start. I'm pretty sure my father called him every name in the book and he deserved it and he still does.
I was waiting for the assistance to come in and I was continuing to heat the house with the fireplace I was using the grill in the garage to cook the meals. My parents brought over a kerosene heater and some other supplies that we needed to keep warm things were going well it was like a camping trip. And because I was able to maintain Hubert Robertson took it upon himself to make my situation even worse he wrote a snow machine over to my home parked it on the side of the house climbed up onto the roof and stuffed a bunch of rags in the chimney. And what do you think that did? He could have killed all of us he could have killed three small children in myself it could have blown through that living room there could have been a major house fire. We could have all died from smoke inhalation because he stuffed rags in the chimney. They weren't just attacking me they were attacking three small children making them suffer. These are very sick people they even have any respect for the lives of three small children they don't have any respect for human life at all. And as I go through these stories there was going to be a long list of times that Gregory Marshall Hubert Robertson Kathy Robertson and Ariel Robertson endangered the lives of my three small children because they are psychopaths

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