It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Minion in the park

The demons keep pulling in new minions these people have been homeless for quite some time but they're being pulled into the game . This man sat down at the bench next to where Oscar and I were sitting  he started swearing and yelling telling us that he was very prejudice  and he doesn't like white Mexicans . I think he was referring to the fact that I'm white and Oscar is Mexican he's announcing that he doesn't like any white people or Mexican .  His announcement was very threatening in nature  he seems to be quite unstable .  Police officers are really good at finding unstable individuals to help them 

Dominion had appeared to be asleep and because I was talking on my phone making these post he stood up and started yelling and screaming. At one point in time he said he had heard what I had said I don't know what he was referring to but it most certainly was none of his business. It's a public park people are allowed to talk dance sing and it's a dog park there's a dogs barking he attacked me because he wanted to because I'm white and because he was instructed to do so.
What isn't on the recording is this minion calling me names  like white b**** needs to die white w**** is going to die  white people are the enemy .  But you can see on the recording how many times he hit me he took the time to bend over and find a stick that he could throw at me and hit me in the head . Then he left all of his litter that he had thrown all over the park lay there . Speaking volumes about his character and his instability . This is the product of my ex-husband Gregory Marshall and his pal Joaquin Castro .  This individual had interaction with police officers and they felt confident that they could frame police officers for sending the minion at me . They are able to obtain the information contact information names  and location of these minions  and they do send police officers to instruct them what to do to me . But at the end of the day  this is all orchestrated by Greg Marshall his foreign agent Pals dirty CIA and the very dirty Joaquin Castro . I have many videos just like this one  of me being assaulted and attacked verbally  having them walk up right on me like this one did . Many times I have called 911 for assistance and I never get an officer coming to help me and I always run the  the risk of an officer arresting me  simply because I am the enemy not because I've done anything wrong . Most of the videos that I've taken just like this one were posted to Instagram and although Instagram is gone for the time being those videos are not actually gone .  When Joaquin Castro and Gregory Marshall had the Instagram deleted  they thought the videos would be gone  but they will be in the investigation of reports in the end of all of this . If this continues to happen in criminals are continuously sent at me in this fashion  those reports  I will not even see I will be gone  as I said before my life is in danger and I am in fear for my life . 

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