It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Micheal Trask still committing crimes and proving himself a trader

I have micheal trask heavy on my mind is this duckless wonder still pulling his shit does he need his entire family pulled in to see what a trader to our nation and a total sociopath he is? I have no problem calling all them into this. And I will not be keeping the secrets of his inbreeding creation. Is he still running his mouth about my mother and those things the sociopath thinks are short comings as he digs deep committing treason and espionage. Well I always knew knew he was a real dip shit as a child and he never out grew it. I look forward to the beatings he will be getting in prison. Will you guys allow me to watch the videos of his ass kicking in the prison system? I think I have earned that much. Have my parents been informed how he was using them to try to hurt me and ruin our relationship in an attempt to break down my support system? I think it is time my parents were told Micheal Trask is a psycho.
Would anybody like proof of his sociopath tendancies? He was a step father to four children for many years. When he decided he was gay cheating on his wife with men they finally decided to divorce. He stopped speaking to the children refusing to maintain a relationship with them. Does anyone see devastating that would be to those children? That is a sick selfish flamer. He does not have sound character how did this psycho think he was going to help to cause my insanity. You really think yourself to be more important than you are Micheal Trask. As a matter of fact you are the only one who thinks yourself to be that important part of my past. You were telling agents you were my best friend when we were children do you really think that is true? Wow you are full of yourself.
I think this is a good time to tell ALL his siblings he is a psycho and trader to our nation. It is now a good time to tell his siblings that he bad mouthing my mother saying nasty things behind her back being nice calling her weekly so he can dig personnel information from her to use against me. He is playing both my parents and this sick gay man thinks that he is going testify against my character and my parents character. He truly is so stupid that no one knows he has been playing mind games with my family ALL of them.
Gay Micheal do I need to tell you what my brother will do to you? How many times does that man have to kick your ass in a life time before you learn your lesson. Stop telling people your smart your actions prove you to be a psycho. You think your partner loves you? The foreign agent that is using you? Wow does it cause pain to be so stupid???

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