It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Governor Abbott the hypocrite

Does Governor Abbott know how to read ? I don't see any evidence of it is anybody else wondering if he knows how to read 
This man is giving an interview on national TV talking about people's safety and how concerned he is about people's safety .  What a liar there are 3000 homeless on the Streets of San Antonio that don't have Services the food that they are being fed is filled with poison medications and the Coronavirus  he doesn't seem to be one bit concerned about their safety . For the last 7 months I have been begging him to do his job and pulled me to safety because my life is in danger and I am in fear for my life and he doesn't seem to care about my safety . He is well aware of the circumstances here in San Antonio and has finally been informed even though  his staff members were blocking him from the information previous to this week . And yet he still does nothing to ensure my safety there is no reason for any texting to believe that he is concerned for your safety if he cannot concerned himself with the safety of one mother fighting for her children then he most certainly will not be interested in ensuring the safety of the rest of Texas. 

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