It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Stalking and harassing all night long

all night long I had dirty police officers stalking and harassing they were sending criminals minions drug addicts at me following me around they made me feel as though I needed to keep walking on an injured leg that was extremely painful . 
 This is retaliation against the emails that I sent out in the people that I informed that mayor Ron nirenberg has just ruined all of their lives by pulling them into this investigation as they colluded with our mare who is a sociopathic killer they expose themselves to our intelligence agencies are investigating him as they committed their crimes the investigation team sent by Donald Trump watch them and every crime they committed amazingly enough to dirty politicians here in Texas are stupid enough to continue to commit these crimes even though I've informed them that they are being investigated they are being watched. Many of those dirty politicians entered my phone yesterday and all night long as they were being watched there's nothing lawful about it and they ended their careers and lost their freedom. Welcome to Texas these are not the smartest people in our country quite in fact they are the opposite
In these pictures you will see a dirty Park police officer who is contacted and notified is to my location. I was simply walking to the park turn down his spot lights got in his loudspeaker threatening me telling me I was going to get a ticket for simply walking through the park I should have let him write me the ticket the city of San Antonio is going to pay it. And his little ticket after being notified as to my location and sent to Verizon stock me you don't have a batch anymore. He was trying to flush me towards a drug dealer that they had sent that me who goes by the nickname choo choo. One of the many witnesses to the murder of a 72 year old man. This drug dealer a month ago poisoned me so severely that I couldn't even make it to the bathroom. These are the games they have been playing for years proving their Insanity with their actions doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results it's never stopped me before and it won't stop me now but they continue with these tactics. That's how insane and sick our mayor is.
With great difficulty I walked two miles down the road and sapd police officer kept doing U-turn so that he could drive pass me over and over again. And then police officers found more homeless and more criminals that were walking the streets and sent them at me all of that is in the pictures you just got to know what you're looking at. It's so sad that the city officials and judge Nelson Smeagol wolf is too stupid to stop committing these crimes even though they are well aware that there is a large investigation team here in San Antonio watching the crimes that they are committing getting ready to frog walk them into prison. All of those of you who have colluded with the dirty City officials of San Antonio thinking that you would get away with your crimes you will be frog walk to this is how you drain a swamp

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