It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Oscar the minion

After the minion was found by Dirty police officers and his contact information was given to Gregory Marshall. Gregory Marshall then used him and manipulated him and you putting me into a motel room Gregory Marshall instructed him to touch me inappropriately assaulting me. Gregory Marshall then was sending him messages telling him that I was saying bad things about him. Then Gregory Marshall was sending him messages telling him I was stealing things from him I didn't steal anything from Oscar. He was able to see that Gregory Marshall was insane and lying. But he continued to do favors for him thinking that he was doing favors for dirty police officers and the Cadtro Brothers which he actually is it is Greg Marshall sending the messages. I have news for all you the FBI has been watching everything he does for the last twenty years.
I received a message Oscar is a part of the cartel and Mexican Mafia. I never repeated it.

Oscar was also manipulated into poisoning me sometimes he was giving me poisoned without even knowing he was doing it. There were other times that he was literally putting the poison into Coca-Cola and coffee.
Oscar said he doesn't know who Gregory Marshall is. But he continuously said over and over again that Julian and Joaquin Castro are good people. Oscar thinks he's talking to the Castro Brothers as Gregory Marshall is instructing him and telling him what crimes to commit. As Oscar is told to put poison in my Coca-Cola in my coffee and all my food he thinks he's being instructed by the Castro Brothers. As he does what he is instructed to do by the Castro Brothers he claims that they are good people. How does that make them good people when they're poisoning an innocent woman? How does it make them good people when they have a mother on the streets fighting for her children and their instructing people to run her over with their automobile? How can anybody with any sort of sense or self-respect claim that these are good people. Clearly the people of San Antonio don't have any common sense and think that crime is okay in fact it looks as though they think that people committing crime are good people.
June 20th 2020. Oscar shared with me some stories what he does want to go to Mexico. He explained to me when he goes into Mexico he can find a police officer and pay him $10 to stand next to his Firebird keeping it safe for 6 hours well him and his wife go and have a good time. $10 for 6 hours guarding a vehicle.
I retracted my statement about Gregory Marshall framing the cartel in Mexican Mafia because I see it more clearly now.

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