It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Mayor Wrong Nirenberg on CNN

Well someone sees him for what he is a sociopath and liar. Finally someone is able to point it out and when will the residents of San Antonio do something about Nirenberg and the insane Nelson Wolf? 
Why am I still on the streets while this sociopath lies to the nation? 
Why are there criminals still being sent at me by his order. Why is his staff still weilding dirty police officers. Why is he still being allowed to violate people's civil rights and their human rights  colluding with foreign agents  destroying our constitution  bad mouthing the governor and refusing to open the things that are on the list that the governor said that should be reopened  we got more than a month those libraries are not open the pools are not open .  That is a terrible abuse of his power and that is only a tip of the iceberg of the things this man does . 
Local reporters call doctor on Nuremberg and asked if they could speak to him about the fact that police officers are not being reprimanded and dealt with properly after committing crimes they are put right back on the police department again there's a Park police officer that likes to make vulgar racist statements. That's mild compared to other officers for beating on people and they're recording system caught it they were luck back on the police force. Let's talk about the s*** sandwich police officer who gave a homeless man a sandwich that had defecation in it. He was suspended and fired only for a few months until McManus I very sick Chief put them right back on the police force again. It's obvious sandwich police officer has all of the qualities that Chief McManus house he has all the tendency that Chief McManus needs in a police officer to commit the crimes that is instructed to commit by our dirty mayor and all of our other dirty City officials like Shirley

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