It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, June 21, 2020

June 21st 2020 front page of the newspaper

 Today I'm Father's Day 2020 the front page of our newspaper is all about Chief McManus and whether or not he will be dismissing an officer for using racial slurs . Now of course the officer should be disciplined but I don't think this is front page worthy considering Chief McManus has been instructing his officers to kill people . There was an officer who fed a s*** sandwich to a homeless man sitting around laughing watching him eat feces . He lost his job  went in front of a review board a few months later and he was rehired to the force .  That bike patrol officer who was calling a man the n-word and threatening him  while arresting him  was rehired to the force that is one of many officers who stalks and harasses me all over the city of San Antonio and he too was hired back in police force . You're putting the pressure on Chief McManus to do the right thing and fire an officer for racial slurs  officer Anthony Flores  had been stalking and harassing me illegally hacking into all of my electronics for many years .  In May of 2017 he showed up at my house he was coming in to kill me . It was May 22nd 2017 the evening of the last Spurs game because I worked the Spurs game . That man is still a part of the police force for two months straight he was showing up to my house every evening trying to break in to kill me . He was put on administrative leave  and then he was right back to work again I called him April of 2018 after I went to visit the NSA and they agreed to do an investigation for me . When I knew the NSA agents were listening in I called officer Anthony Flores I recorded the phone call  I asked him why he was still a police officer after what he did to me . The man responded with I don't recall that event . I didn't ask you if you recalled any event  any situation any incident I ask you why you're still a police officer . His response didn't make any sense it was rehearsed he didn't answer my question  he didn't even hear me  because that's how insane he is . I promise you that recording of me calling him is not lost  you'll be able to hear it too  it was so ridiculous .  Officer Nicholas Doiser was hunting me down with his loaded weapon out ready to put a brown to my head . He has been stalking and harassing me following me around terrorizing me  for the last 4 years . He does this while he is  on duty and while he is off duty . He brings his girlfriend / wife with him and she participates in the stalking and harassing with him . That man is still a part of our police force .  The video I took in 2018  May of 2018 of the police officer grabbing a small woman picking her up and slamming her onto the sidewalk on Alamo Street  that man is still a part of our police force . Do you understand how frustrating it is for me I can continue to list all of these officers who committed serious crimes like killing people  and they were told to kill them . All of these officers are still a part of our police force and on the front page of the newspaper we're talkin about some officer who uses racial slurs . How about officers who Are Taking Lives because they are told to do it how officers who are stalking and harassing people unlawfully and illegally hacking into their Electronics  and you're talking about pet Eat Right racial slurs people are dead and there's killers on our police force can we please talk about the important things  when do we drain the swamp when do these officers get brought to Justice ? 

See this one officer skunk with the gray stripe on his head he likes to get on his motorcycle and chase me around San Antonio wearing a blue bandana trying to make me believe that he's a Crip member. Intimidating me scaring me into a state of submission walking right up to me holding his hands up like what's your problem. My problem is you my problem is that you're not in prison yet. unless of course there's another police officer out there with a gray stripe on the top of his head. There's a picture of them on Facebook.

 Here's the latest  my psycho enemies have sent me  and I will be sending it back to you when you're sitting in prison . The morons think that I shouldn't be asking for shelter and should be happy with sleeping on a slab of cement  while it rains on me cats and dogs and lightning hits the ground .  They really  are completely insane  and there's not enough medication in this world  to make Ariel Jade Robertson Gregory Marshall the Castro brothers and are sociopathic mare right  there simply isn't enough medication 
This fortune cookie was sent the moment I started sending emails to Governor Abbott I do look forward to knowing exactly which one of my idiot enemies is sending these fortune cookies it's starting to look like one of those CIA CIA twits yep that's what it is.
This is Officer Nick Doiser SAPD this is the insane psychopath that has been hunting me for 4 years he was hunting me down while I was in the backyard of a friend's house he went through the neighborhood stomping through all the backyard so we could get a clean shot at my head. The moron is still on the streets hunting me he's in my phone manipulating the words that I say manipulating the spelling of the words he is the one who repeat everything I say over and over again throughout the entire blog. Hoping that people won't want to read it he has the skill set of a child I recognized his snarky statements he's full of himself too stupid to understand that he is not above the law. That's why he sent me this stupid ass message about exaggerating the truth because he was the one that sent the black men to assault me scream and yell at me threaten me and terrorize me. He is the police officer that sent the homeless people and Wednesday night 2 attack to create a dangerous atmosphere and environment in the park instructing them to act stupid. He is the one and dangerous the lives of all the residents of San Antonio him and his fellow dirty police officers Nelson Houghton and call me every member of the Door Church. As I have said a hundred times my life is in danger this man is psychotic with no moral compass. He will draw his weapon again and shoot another person because he has no moral compass to stop him

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