It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, June 21, 2020

April 2020

In April of 2020 the coronavirus lockdown was starting in San Antonio I was sending continuous emails to Governor Abbott and I was giving very specific details about the unfit living conditions at Haven for Hope. I was telling the governor how people were sleeping I'm at 6 in from each other and they were not six feet apart and they were not wearing masks. They had the women in a building that had no air conditioning it had raw materials exposed wires exposed. I continuously sent these emails and apparently City Hall was contacted concerning the issues at Haven for Hope however I just learned yesterday Governor Abbott didn't actually see the emails didn't actually know what was happening that's going to be pretty embarrassing in a court of law Governor you might want to ask your staff about all of those emails I've been sending the details that were in each of those emails you might want to ask your employees why you weren't informed.
When your employees contact in City Hall here in San Antonio caused the Holiday Inn to be used for the homeless the homeless were allowed to leave they were told they had to stay there for three months. Food was delivered to their room and they were allowed to go and smoke three times a day and a patio area. They were being held prisoner all of their human rights and civil rights were taken away from them they were being treated like they were criminals being homeless is not a crime. I visited the Holiday Inn and I tried to get a room they refuse to give me one they told me that I had to be a member of Haven for Hope in order to get a room at the Holiday Inn. So I went over to The Haven for Hope following day knowing that I would be rejected and that's exactly what happened they told me that the Haven for Hope was closed and they weren't accepting any more homeless. So the 3,000 people that were still on the streets didn't get any Services all the shelters shut down. Not that I was real keen on becoming a prisoner in a Holiday Inn I'm being treated like a criminal but I needed to see exactly what was happening and I needed to see how the city seems to think it's okay to violate our constitutional rights and treat the homeless like their possessions instead of people. From what I understand people are still at the Holiday Inn and now they're allowed to leave and go to the store but it's certain times of the day that they have to go and there's a time at night where it's locked down curfew. The city of San Antonio is receiving an awful lot of grant money from the government for that Holiday Inn.
There were some people doing an investigation here in San Antonio I don't know where they came from or who sent them they were brand new during April and May of 2020. One of them was asking me a lot of questions the details about the Holiday Inn I told him that mayor Ron nirenberg had announced on national TV that he was going to put the homeless in a motel and never did it he lied I'm National TV he had no intention of doing it. That investigating agent or whatever it was started to be very attacking, he said in a snarky voice when did the mayor ever say that? I have the article saved it's on the blog read it there's also videos yes you said it and it can be proven that he said it just play back the interview with him. I wonder if those people were from the governor's office defending the mayor instead of doing an actual investigation

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