It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1st I'm still out here

 I'm still out here on the streets where the mayor and the chief of police put me the investigators apparently are so incompetent they have to keep me out here watching the mayor and the chief commit serious crimes it rained all night long I had nowhere to go I'm soaking wet today the buses are no longer free and I have no money I have no food and no money I have nowhere to go to get out of the rain so I'll be soaking wet all day today and do the investigators care no of course not my body is aching it hurts all over because of all the poison of ingested and other serious issues and the investigators can't seem to wrap up this investigation and frog walk the Merida prison. There are no good guys in this situation there are no good investigators not when they're torturing me to death. Refusing to pull me to safety no matter how much I hurt or how extreme the conditions are on the Streets of San Antonio yesterday they were planning to have dirty police officers fire rounds at me if I went near the riots that are happening downtown I was told they were doing this had dirty police officers and The Bobbsey Twins sending me messages in my phone trying to get me downtown so I could die. And the investigators that are watching these people still don't think that I deserve to be pulled to safety because certainly I haven't done enough in this case 6 years without my children my children being beaten for 6 years being lied to and brainwashed I've been assaulted raped and now I'm still on the streets it's raining I'm soaking wet I have no food no money no way of taking care of myself no way of finding shelter from the rain there are no good investigators there are no good guys there are no good agents just take a look at the torture that I'm being subjected to there are no good people in this situation

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