It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Governor Abbott the fool

Governor Abbott I am in need of your assistance immediately my life is in danger and I am in fear for my life. My name is Dawn neering and I am on the Streets of San Antonio where I was put by mayor Ron nirenberg and Chief William McManus. They planned my death while sending dirty police officers to hunt me like an animal in an effort to hide and cover up the crimes that they are guilty of committing against me for the last 10 years. I have been nearly starved to death poisoned to near death sexually assaulted physically assaulted verbally assaulted. Currently I am on the streets with no shelter no food and no money and this is the torturous way that I have been living for more than three years. I have continuously sent you e-mails and apparently your staff is kept the information from you. That is not my fault that you allowed yourself to be wielded like a puppet and controls like a programmable drone by the foreign agents that you hired to run your office I should not have to pay with my life because you're a fool. I need immediate assistance I would be done yet again today assaulted verbally and physically I am currently being sore called buy minions and criminals who were sent to take my life they are doing favors for Joaquin and Julian Castro. Dirty police officers find the criminals for them and they instruct the criminals what to do and how to attack me. My life is in danger I need you to do your job and to take control of the situation if you don't mind I would like to be pulled to safety this evening before I die.

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