It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Governor Abbott enlightenment

Governor Abbott I have been emailing your office continuously non-stop this entire year I have sent you e-mails over the years however not quite as many as I have sent you this year. Your staff has kept those emails from you kept you in the dark about my story and the fact that I need immediate attention. Make sure that you were in the dark about the fact that my life is in danger. I am on the Streets of San Antonio I am being tortured attempts on my life have been made repetitively I need your immediate attention in this matter because I do not want to die in the Streets of San Antonio because you are staff members are sociopaths and foreign agents I'm so sorry that you made such a huge mistake of hiring for an agents to run your office but now it's time to correct the problem. I am on the Streets of San Antonio and I need you to take action. I have been tortured and punished I have been poisoned I have been sexually assaulted physically assaulted starve to near death I've been left out in hurricane weather on the streets with no shelter. The employees of the major shelter here in San Antonio Texas have been attacking me they collect up the homeless people instructing them how to stalk and harassment. The couple of times that I stayed at that Homeless Shelter it was extremely scary and unfit for inhabitation attempts were made on my life while I was there. Many people are assaulted and raped at that shelter and the employees and police officers that work in the area turn a blind eye to these crimes allowing it to happen. The mayor shut down the shelter during the coronavirus I left more than 3,000 people on the Streets of San Antonio without any Services whatsoever they were fed food is that had the coronavirus in it and then he refused to allow them to have coronavirus testing done. He got on media the national news and lied to the entire nation state stating that the homeless Community doesn't have the coronavirus they were fed the coronavirus they are incubators and now they have the antibodies.
You're seeing outrageous surge in the coronavirus here in San Antonio Texas like the young people that went to the bar and or restaurant and then became very ill that's because it was added to the drinks and the food at those establishments so that you could be manipulated into finding businesses for not requiring masks. So that you would be manipulated into allowing sociopaths like Judge Wolf to pass laws that people could be fined and thrown in jail for not wearing a mask it's all about money. It was your staff keeping you into the dark about what's really happening in San Antonio as you praise mayor Ron nirenberg who has taken many lives I made several attempts to have my life taken. He earned himself capital punishment 2 years ago somebody died and he paid for it. I'm pretty sure it was more than one somebody that died at his hand. He's colluding with foreign agents destroying our democracy. He's colluding with you every resident of San Antonio thinks that the two of you are Pals and we know the crimes that he's guilty of and if you're Pals with him then all of us believe that you are guilty of the same crimes. Are you going to allow all of us to believe this are you going to continue to collude with a sociopath who forces people onto the Streets of San Antonio to be tortured and killed? Will you do something because watching you sit there do nothing It's upsetting all of us. Do you run Texas are you in control of Texas because I for one am sitting back and watching you be manipulated like a programmable drone by all of these dirty mares and all of the foreign agents you put in your office. John Wittman he's all over my Instagram he continuously come to San Antonio I've seen him two dozen times face to face he's a monster and a pervert and when those messages are pulled off in my Instagram my Facebook my Tumblr there are going to be presented in a court of law for all the world to see and his little girlfriend wife whatever it is isn't going to be too happy about what a pervert he is

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