It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

emails to the governor

My name is Dawn neering and I am on the Streets of San Antonio where I was put by the mayor and the chief of police I am hunted daily by Dirty police officers my life is in danger and I am in fear for my life. I have told you all of this in the hundred emails that I have sent you begging for your help begging for my life begging for you to do your job. You took an oath to uphold our constitution you took an oath to protect the people. And now you're violating my civil rights my human rights turning a blind eye to crime
I sent email to every governor and in the United States every lieutenant governor every mayor and I will continue to do so throughout the night until I have everyone looking at my story my blog. I have informed them like I have informed you that you can call a contact officer Christopher deck of sapd spelled D e c h if you would like to confirm my story and the crimes that I am suffering through at this time
I am begging all of them to help me be pulled to safety off in the Streets of San Antonio so I do not have to die at the hand of our sociopathic mayor and all of the criminals that he employees to help attack me. I've instructed these people to contact you to remind you about the oath that you took to remind you how to do your job and instead they're contacting the president of the United States and informing him of what a criminal you are that's not my fault

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