It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Crazy house Dirty Rotten Barry team

George Soros spies and rotten Berry. Today I learned something new they're excluding with each other the dirty with dirty Germans helping create the race war.

The crazy house is completely full the house it's on the corner of Lexington and Dallas . Last night I posted about how all all of them are drunk appear to be high . There was yelling and screaming and partying slamming of doors . This is the house where there was a active shooter shooting all over the streets in the park in the house  there was police officers here for two days looking for the weapon that was stashed in an empty lot collecting up the brass witness statement collecting the drugs and Contraband from inside the house . These are agents  they are the rotten Barry. The people coming out of the house are all the people that were in charge of the protests making statements and giving speeches in front of all of the protesters here in San Antonio and in the crowd of protesters I saw the faces of my minions who have been stalking and harassing me all of the streets in San Antonio for years. As you can imagine I'm not very happy to see these criminals staying in their flush environment while I lay on a slab of cement barely hanging on to life and being poisoned daily all day long. It was always the plan of Obama since the moment he was hacked create this race for the strife and chaos here in America. And all of these drunks and drug addicts who like to take out weapons and fire them randomly are his little puppet little pets that are helping to create a race war here in America. Last year I saw dirty agents in and out of his house as well coming in from Austin Texas. And here we have more things that Governor Abbott will be held accountable for more crime that he will be held accountable for. They're coming into San Antonio or making our streets are unsafe crying and yelling about being victims of police brutality when it is the farthest thing from the truth. Apparently they are protesting police enforcement and police misconduct so that they can continue to get away with their crimes the drugs and alcohol that are moving through this house to have screaming and yelling at all hours of the night I was in fear for my life last night I thought they were going to take out another weapon and start firing all over the place yet again. 
If our tax dollars is paying for these criminals to stay in their flushing Theremin well they torture me. Congrats me watch me land slab of cement barely able to move as they watch me being poisoned as they give poison to keep minions instructing them poison me these are the sociopaths that are destroying our democracy these are the sociopath that our mayor and chief of police are colluding with. These are the times that I'm continuously telling Governor Abbott that are happening here and he continuously does nothing

A little more than a month ago I saw a north korean woman here there are a lot of foreign agents in and out of this home. It is the real estate agent who is the problem the foreign agent.

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