It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Black transgender assaulting me

 Today's incident reminds me of the black transgender that assaulted me. I was on the Southside standing at a bus stop waiting for the bus outside of the H-E-B on Military.
A black transgender walked up to me very angry and aggressively I was taking his or her picture. That's what I do everyday that's what I always do. I turned on video when he or she started screaming and yelling at me telling me that I was not allowed to take pictures. I informed her here in America anybody can take pictures of anything the land of the free. Amazingly enough this transgender announced that he or she is not from America but has been here for almost 20 years therefore it's their home. It's so nice when foreign agents announced their status as foreign agents here to attack our democracy. That's the reason they had the contact information for the transgender because it's a foreign agent and it was contacted by my ex-husband being pulled into this conspiracy to attack an innocent Mother fighting for her children. And most of them are stupid enough to become a part of the conspiracy exposing themselves for what they are.
The transgender then hit me and hit me hard to I was seeing Stars. Then the transgender tried to take my phone from me which has happened on countless occasions. I stepped away from the transgender calling 911. I told the dispatcher everything that had happened and the person that assaulted me was still at the bus stop and I was in danger and I needed assistance. She kept repeating over and over again are you at the via bus station. It was completely unnecessary to keep repeating it I needed an officer immediately and she kept covering the phone talking to her fellow dispatcher instead of doing her job. While I was talking to the 911 dispatcher the transgender called somebody very worried about the fact that he or she just committed a crime and police officers might arrive of course I knew that they weren't going to actually come they never do.
While the transgender was on the phone talking to a friend he or she announced that he or she will simply play the race card I'm a black transgender people discriminate against me all the time I'll just say did I was being discriminated against. Nobody discriminated against her. And that's what they do announcing bully loudly that they're going to play the race card to get out of trouble for a crime that they committed. It'll make everything go away if I just say I'm a transgender and you can't give me a ticket for assault you can't arrest me because I'll just cry discrimination. I have complete faith in confidence in the investigating agents was that phone call was recorded and will be presented in a court of law. The lovely way in which the race card is used and the system is manipulated for them to get away with some very serious crimes.
No police officer ever arrived to help me and the transgender got on a bus and left. More than 20 minutes later after the assault a Transit police officer was driving by giving me a very dirty look she did not stop to talk to me. He drove past the bus station did a u-turn and went the other way. Never following up on the 911 call that I made never taking a police report or statement from me.
The black transgender foreign agent was so elated about getting away with it she or he kept coming around me walking pass me over and over again downtown laughing in my face because it assaulted me and thought it would never be brought up on charges. I've got news for you it's all coming back.
Four months that transgender kept following me around laughing being snarky pointing saying the most nasty statements to me. One day I walked up and gave it my letter and I never saw it again it it it.
I will see it he or she again in a court of law and you most certainly will not get away with the crime that you thought that you were free and clear up being indicted for.

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