It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, June 1, 2020

Riots in downtown San Antonio

 It's amazingly coincidental that the businesses that were damaged and businesses that were looted are very specific businesses the same businesses who have committed insurance fraud in the past. For example Travis Church who needed a new roof decided to get the help of the CIA to destroy the roof during the storm so they could commit insurance fraud and get a new roof paid for by insurance companies. Travis Church windows were all broken out all of them. Several buildings downtown were left untouched but Travis Church was completely destroyed the windows. So they could commit more insurance fraud. The Whataburger restaurant downtown several windows were broken out another New World Order company who had been poisoning the homeless and everybody who purchased coffee and is a part of the New World Order is also going to commit insurance fraud all of this was planned out ahead of time. Noticed all these protesters were protesting police officers yet the substation downtown didn't have one single broken window isn't that odd you're protesting police officers but you didn't break any of their windows you broke the windows of companies that have nothing to do with discrimination or killing innocent people. On Houston Street there's a couple of businesses that were actually lewd it these are foreign agent based companies and once again the objective behind this looting and the instruction given to the looters was the insurance fraud. It's pretty obvious. As I said before there are several buildings downtown that were not even touched.
So how does destroying small businesses help stop dirty police officers from killing innocent people? How does it help anything where's the logic in the idiots heads? You want to stop dirty police officers you go to the stores what hurts them destroying small businesses downtown doesn't hurt them or even bother them the murderous dirty police officers have other objectives and they don't give two shakes of a stick about the businesses downtown large or small.
Notice there are 3000 officer working for SAPD how many were there for the riots? 300? Look at the percentage. Of course they still need officer across the city but they could have had more than what was there. 

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