It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, June 18, 2020

In 2017 Instagram

 In 2017 I had the fake Instagram I was putting stories out there and it was being circulated. Morbidly obese Gregory Marshall decided that he needed to take control of the situation and assured all of the dirty City officials that he could handle it and he would fix everything. That was three years ago, hideously stupid City officials have not learned after 3 years he has not accomplished any of the Feats that he promised he could accomplish. They still having an inability to learn they still have no common sense the morons can't see that he is incapable of doing the jobs they contracted him to do.
In 2017 I was sent a message that was so stupid it did not apply to the circumstances and situation in which I was dealing with at that point in time. It started out with what is good for the goose is good for the gander then it went on to say it's a means to an end none of it for responded with each other none of it was fluid and flowing none of it made any sense whatsoever. When Gregory Marshall realize how stupid his message was because I announced it loudly he tried to blame President Trump. He kept sending me messages telling me President Trump was the one that said it. It was pretty easy to figure out it was Gregory Marshall because during the marriage he was always using cliches and slogans out of their proper context he would use them in such a fashion as to show the world how stupid he really is. I have a lot of examples but just to illustrate what I'm saying one day I walked up to Gregory Marshall told him that children would be starting school 2 hours late the following day and he would be unable to take the only family vehicle to his place of employment. He looked at me and said it's a means to an end. Does it that make any sense. Does everybody see how stupid he is how completely insane he is. This is what narcissists do when you try to enter at with narcissist and have an actual relationship with them they will make perfectly sane people insane. You try to have a conversation with your husband the father of your children about the fact that the children need transportation to school and he says the most astronomically stupid things in response. Not only is he really that stupid without any common sense whatsoever but also he thought this was a way to cause my insanity. Once again proving how stupid he is no it doesn't cause my Insanity it just illustrates and shows the entire world just how stupid and insane you are. And he's still doing it some things never change.

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