For the most part this is an sapd helicopter that kept circling over and over again this is something that I am accustomed to it happens to me on a daily basis literally I only get occasional bricks from the helicopters flying over my head it doesn't last very long I think if I ever am able to live a life without helicopters and planes above my head I'm not going to know how to act . However this action proves that they are retaliating against me because I am fighting for my life and I'm reaching out to so many elected officials begging them to help me retaliation is against the law everything that's happening to me is against the law . You can see with the sapd helicopters that mayor Ron nirenberg is still abusing his authority and he is abusing and wasting the city resources to attack an innocent Mother fighting for her children . It is so sad that the seventh largest city in the United States is being run by a completely insane man who has absolutely no moral compass whatsoever he's vacant and void Within . Every time I confront him and try to talk to him about my situation and the crimes that he committed against me he looks like a six-year-old child looking up in the ceiling with doe eyes . I'm not over exaggerating or kidding that's exactly what he does every single time except for the exception of laughing in my face a combination of those two things you decide is that a sane man ? I am completely worn out exhausted and my body is giving away from all that I have been put through . Enough is enough please send officer Christopher Dech to pull me to safety . We all know that mayor Ron nirenberg is incapable of doing the right thing and making things right . I've given up hope that our governor is willing to do his job properly . 

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