It's the CIA twits that keep telling me that repetition is necessary they're the ones sending the Flames they're the ones that called up the National Guard and had their helicopter coming them and NSA . I look forward to the director of the CIA getting the capital punishment she so richly deserves I look forward to all of this CIA twits that are here in San Antonio getting their life sentencing most of them aren't even from our damn country but they're a part of our CIA and they're sociopaths . Because of how they torture people and they use repetition to cause a person to lose their mind if that's what they're doing to me telling me over and over again that repetition is necessary yeah it's necessary for my insanity . They've been committing the crimes for years manipulating Air Traffic Control manipulating small aircraft manipulating hair helicopters here in the city of San Antonio walking into businesses like Channel 12 KSAT working undercover there claiming they're doing an investigation but what they're doing is espionage and treason what they're doing is trying to destroy our democracy in our constitution . The morons are so stupid they think just because it's worked on so many other people to cause their Insanity that repetition is necessary in my case if it didn't work for you or five years ago then it most certainly isn't going to work now and they have an inability to learn because they are some very stupid people . And as I have said a hundred times there will be no more CIA when we are done the organization will be gone and all of these twits running around the Streets of San Antonio manipulating business owners manipulating regular residents showing their badge I'm CIA and I need you to do me a favor for my investigation attack an innocent Mother fighting for her children fighting to keep yourself alive and these idiots residence of San Antonio are stupid enough to commit crimes just because a CIA operative ask them to what morons . let me point out some of the insanely obvious things to you people the cartel on the CIA Barack Obama controls the CIA there in bed with Jeff Bezos and the collaborate with him constantly like I said he made out like a fat rat when the CIA made the taxpayers pay for all of those Amazon Prime vans . I'm constantly getting their hopes up making them believe that I'm on the brink of a nervous breakdown oh I'm about to give up on life. the CIA twits are stupid enough to believe it they fall for it every time getting their hopes up thinking that they are successful once again and destroying the mind of yet another innocent person and that's how stupid they are we called this our intelligence agent they're not intelligent why do we call them that sociopathic children agency that's what they are 

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