It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Von Ormy Police Department

Von Ormy police officers are here in San Antonio I have seen them for at least the last eight months and they are stalking and harassing. Their uniform is different and I was asking around a lot trying to figure out which law enforcement agency these officers belonged to. I mistakenly thought they were US Marshalls and they created this deception on purpose. They claim to be helping an investigation. I talked to a police officer today sitting on the steps of the Presbyterian Church asked him where he works asked him point blank if he was apart of SAPD. He said that he works for Bexar county that part may be true being that the city of Von Ormy is in Bexar County but he said he works for the jail and courts in Bexar county and he pointed towards the court houses here in San Antonio. That is a lie it says Von Ormy on his patch does he think I can't see that? That is a huge ethics issue and lying about who you are and where you work is an infraction of the law. Remember citizens have every right to ask for names and badge numbers. We should not have to double check to see if officers are lying and he was.
I have been in this city many times when I was working as a Taxi driver picking up fares and dropping off fares. I also went to their city to hide. I was told that the Chief and the Castro Brothers were sending someone to take my life. Of course I believed it their was a police officer trying to break in my home to kill me and then I have been hunted by dirty police officers since then. I went to VA police department in Waco for help and the entire department was helping to attack me. I went to Temple Texas VA Police department and they too attacked me except for on police officer. When I went to Waco I was being chased all the way their by Officer Nick Doiser who sent police officers to attack me in every city I walked through. Officer Doiser got the audit at every hotel I stopped at to rest to attack me and then he was able to get a gas station owner to attack me. I locked myself in a bathroom, I was terrified more than 12 autos hunting me and Doiser tried to get maintenance to get me out.
This was during a time that FBI Director was active in this helping to torture me and to send criminals to assault me. He was helping with collecting dirty police officers to help to stalk and harass an innocent mother fighting for her children. When I was hiding in this city thinking that someone was chasing me to take my life Chief McManus called their PD and told them to basically hunt me. They did it chasing me and my Taxi around the city. Now they are in San Antonio stalking and harassing an innocent woman when the people of Von Ormy expect their police officers to be keeping their city safe. What the residents don't know is that their officers are not even in their city doing their job. Their tax dollars are paying these dirty police officers to come to San Antonio to stalk and harass an innocent victim of the socioapthic Mayor of San Antonio and the sick Chief of Police.
I am trying to send emails to the Mayor and council of Von Ormy telling them that their police officers have become apart of high treason and my efforts are being blocked. I do not know if perhaps the Mayor and her council are also involved and the investigating agents/operatives are watching her as well.

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