It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, November 25, 2019

Isaac Cardenas

This man is the founder of the scam foundation and the San Antonio fatherhood campaign. He is an Indian who is also a pervert. When I came to San Antonio to fight for my children in a court of law and to save them from their abusive father this man was following me all over the city of San Antonio. He offered me a ride and I accepted it at which time he asked me for sex for money. As I said he's a pervert in a very sick man. He's a close personal friend of Julian and Joaquin Castro and he is my ex-husband boss. Try to imagine how sick this man it's to be following around and is his mother fighting for her children fighting for her life. He claims that his nonprofits are helping Indians and father. Apparently helping fathers means attacking the mothers of their children because that's what he does. He continued to follow me and terrorize me all over the city of San Antonio news white pickup truck. I called police officers to report what was happening and he disappeared only for a short time reappearing again Calling all of his friends and asking them to help who attacked and terrorized a mother fighting for her children. I was terrified I was only here for a week when it all started trying to rebuild myself so I can get an attorney see my children and fight for them in a court of law. This man begin to spread rumors to all of his Pals saying that I was going to kidnap my children and take them to another country. He pulled it out of his butt made it up out of thin air. When I came to San Antonio I did not have anything no money no house no vehicle. I continued to say how was i going to kid Knapp  my children? Walk them across the border into strange country? how ridiculous.
This man claimed to have co-parenting classes yet he was going to make sure I never saw my children ever again. Co-parenting classes is a front a lie to hide his psycho ways

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