It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Faith Based institute

I tried to tell Jackson that he was helping to attack an innocent mother fighting for her children and he was helping a sociopath that tried to kill his wife and children. The only reason I and my children are alive is because the fbi had been watching the ex-husband since 2001 this man is too sick to listen to reason.
He was in my face threatening me just to do a favor for Gregory Marshall and the Castro Brothers and then when he thought he was doing Hillary Clinton and Obama a favor he was all for torturing and causing the death of a innocent mother. I was poisoned more than once while at this church and they protect foreign agents that do this. Members of the Trump team were taking pictures of me being poisoned while at the church and they were anticipating my death. When I got pictures of them names and their plates they started yelling and screaming that I was ruining them. I was doing what I always have done for years and if you are ruined so easily then you are not very good at your job. As you try to kill me you think I am going to protect you as you attempt my life as you keep me out here torturing me? Why would I care about ruining demons. Then the dirty Obama team that we call rotten berries became upset when I found a couple of the houses that they were living in while here committing Espionage. We will review all the tax payers dollars Obama was spending like water and the fact he has drunks here going to the bars every night being paid for by tax payers. So much to tell the american tax payers. These people are not doing the jobs you paying them to do they are parting and living it up like a vacation while they help to cause the deaths of many not just me.

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