It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Methodist Hospital

The first job I got after getting off in the Greyhound bus to fight for my children was at the Methodist Hospital in the cafeteria in the basement. I received a lot of black and harassment from all of the employees but the worst of all of them was head of security Mark Jenkins. I was being stalked and harassed and chased to work and I was being chased as I left work. I was filing police reports talking to police officers as much as I could about my situation and it was horrific to. I had some witnesses that I decided I was going to get witness statement from for these police reports. When I learned that these women that were Witnesses were hooked on drugs and I decided they weren't going to be very good Witnesses. I didn't have no idea if that's true. Matter of opinion
I went to Mark Jenkins about the situation and showed him police reports his response was extremely odd. He didn't take the information down and he didn't look at the police reports he looked at me and said but they're not coming on Hospital property right? As a matter of fact mr. Jenkins they are coming on Hospital property. Later I learned that he had an agreement with Chief McManus and the Castro brothers that all of their little demons that were chasing me down would not enter Hospital property so he wouldn't have to do anything about it. He took the word of criminals of people that don't have a moral compass he believed that they would adhere to the agreement that he made with them well they didn't or they didn't understand what hospital property was. Mark didn't do anything what he did was take out his phone start making phone calls and sending out text messages. Before that interaction with Mark Jenkins he had been taking pictures of me while I was working it was really upsetting I didn't understand what he was doing or why was doing it. Then Mark was talking to all the employees creating Strife in chaos gossiping like a woman. I didn't tell any of these people that I was staying at the Salvation Army and I didn't have an actual home but mysteriously they found out.
There is a surgical technician named Peter Parker and I believe that he was talking to Chief McManus and all those dirty officers they were trying once again to be matchmakers and set me up with various people for a relationship. I think the objective was a to bring break any connection between Bumblebee and I and be it would look bad in a court of law if I had multiple relationships I guess I don't know.
One particular day I walked into the kitchen of the cafeteria to see Mark Jenkins taking a picture of my work schedule. There's several people on that list of paper so I assumed that he just needed to know for security reasons who would be working and when during the week. Of course as time went on and the terrorizing went on I realized he was taking pictures at work schedule so that he can give it to my enemies my ex-husband Chief McManus the Castro Brothers.
That schedule they made for all of the employees was actually written in pencil and at one point they manipulated it erased one of the scheduled days I had changed it around I missed work. Because it hadn't been there when I looked at it when I took a picture of it.
I used to wear a running outfit when I would walk to work and then I would change into my uniform when I got there. The manager named Reggie used to give me a hard time and asked me why I did that. I informed him I didn't want to be all sweaty during my work schedule so I changed my clothes it was very hot outside and it was a two-mile walk actually I don't think it was that far. He had made a strange statement about I was dressing in a certain way so I would get people to notice me and look at me. The statement bothered me and I've never forgot it. Why would I want any of them looking at me in that way. Why would I need that kind of attention do I seem like my self-esteem is that low that I need you people to notice me do you think that your attention build my ego do you think my self-esteem is based on your opinion of me well if you think all these things then you don't think very well. That was a rehearse statement he was given by my ex-husband and chief McManus it was designed upset me and it did.

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